The improvements are due to start at A1101 Mildenhall Road, Littleport, between Monday 13 February and Friday April 7
The works will take place during normal working hours (7.30am to 18.00pm). To keep our highways team safe and due to the nature of the works the road will be closed 24/7 as a through route.
The works will include full reconstruction of part of the road, resurfacing and patching work. The repairs will be completed along the A1101, to the west and east of the B1382 Mile End Road up to Shippea Hill.
Signed diversion routes will be in place to advise drivers of the alternative route around the road closures.
Residents will still be able to access their properties if they live within the boundaries of the roadworks but there may be slight delays at times depending on what element of the work is being undertaken, and the availability of a traffic management, escort vehicle.
Details of the road closures and diversion routes can be requested through the following email address – diversion route is A1101 – A11 – A14 – A142 – A10 – A1101 and vice versa.
Chair of Cambridgeshire County Council’s Highways and Transport Committee, Cllr Alex Beckett, said: “I appreciate these closures may cause some inconvenience, but we are confident these works will make a huge difference for users and improve the quality of the roads. I would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding. Our highways team will work hard to complete these upgrades as quickly as possible so we can re-open the roads.”