Sixty-four Cambridgeshire council buildings – including day centres, libraries, and respite homes - are set to have their ventilation systems improved to manage the continuing risks of Covid and other respiratory infections.
Members of the County Council’s Strategy and Resources Committee will hear at their meeting on 30th Sept, that immediately lockdown restrictions began to be lifted the council prioritised the opening of buildings most needed by the public and vulnerable people making sure that they met national guidance for ventilation and installing CO2 monitors. This also ensured the council could provide a safe working environment for its staff.
Providing safe levels of ventilation in some of the council’s estate has meant reduced numbers using the buildings. Committee members are being asked to approve improvements to a range of these building in the coming months - including adult social care day services, community and education centres, libraries, child and family centres, residential/respite accommodation and offices and civic buildings.
Members will hear the estimated £750k – to £960k cost can be met by time limited pandemic related grant funding.
The meeting which starts at 2pm on September 30th and will be held in the Red Kite Room, in the Council’s headquarters at New Shire Hall in Alconbury, can also be followed online.