A review of shared services arrangements between Cambridgeshire County Council and neighbouring Peterborough City Council has identified areas which should continue, and those where more focus is needed on a single authority.
Members of next week’s Strategy and Resources Committee (June 27th) will hear that a review is underway of the senior structures which supported each Council following the recommendations of the last year’s LGA Peer Challenge which led to the appointment of a dedicated Chief Executive for each council,
In a report by Stephen Moir, Cambridgeshire’s Chief Executive, he confirms that formal consultation is helping to reshape his senor leadership arrangements which will see the two councils continue to share high- level management and some of the functions in areas such as Public Health and services for vulnerable adults, children and families - given their added value to each authority, a need for resilience and stability and to avoid unnecessary risk.
But in areas where there is increasing difference of strategy and council priorities – such as place and economy services, business improvement and development, and communities, employment and skills services, roles and functions would no longer be shared.
An officer-led group will continue to oversee the arrangements for shared services, but any decisions on new or enhanced sharing arrangements, due to changes in local or national priorities, will be made by Members.
Strategy and Resources Committee starts at 10am on 27th June at New Shire Hall in Alconbury, and will also be live streamed.