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Community flood groups, local authorities from across the Great Ouse catchment and surrounding areas, and industry representatives came together on Thursday 21 September for Cambridgeshire County Council’s second flood action conference.

Attendees heard from speakers including flood resilience champion Mary Dhonau, the Local Resilience Forum and the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA), who shared their knowledge and experience of how we can all work together to tackle flooding. Later in the afternoon, two workshops were held in parallel, one from the National Flood Forum about Flooding and Insurance and one from The Flood Hub regarding developing Community Flood Groups and Plans while the ‘Floodmobile’ was open to visit throughout the day. This specialist vehicle demonstrates 50 practical property flood resilience (PFR) measures.

The presentation slides are available and if you would like a copy or more information, please email

Conference 2023 highlights 

Please watch in YouTube for more accessibility options. - opens in a new tab


Please watch in YouTube for more accessibility options. - opens in a new tab

Cambridgeshire County Council's Flood Risk Team

Hilary Tandy Flood Risk Manager kicked off the presentations on the Conference. She talked about the activities of the Council’s Flood Risk Team and talked about current and future projects across the county.

Watch Cambridgeshire County Council's Flood Risk Team's presentation (YouTube)

Flood Mary

Mary Long – Dhonau OBE Hon DSc Hon FCIWEM Hon RICS presented the stories of those who have frequently flooded and how they have adapted in her presentation titled Tales along the River (Severn) Bank.

Watch Flood Mary's presentation (YouTube)

Local Resilience Forum

Alex Wood-Davis - Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Local Resilience Forum (CPLRF) Development & Support Co-ordinator, Community Resilience Lead - discussed ways to develop and increase local resilience capability across Cambridgeshire and the great Ouse catchment.

Watch the Local Resilience Forum's presentation (YouTube)

Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA)

Adrien Baudrimont Research Manager at CIRIA gave an overview of the ongoing research project regarding guidance on enabling community maintenance for local flood risk management Community maintenance for local flood risk management.

Watch CIRIA's presentation (YouTube)