A follow up visit from ‘peers’ about the Council’s Corporate Peer Challenge report has identified positive progress by the Council.
Local Government Association ‘peers’ submitted their final report in 2021 and in a six month follow up visit to the Council have provided their feedback on the progress made since their original report. This follow up visit focussed on a number of key areas, including Budget and Medium-Term Financial Strategy, Shared Services and Place Shaping with the Council’s partners.
Peers have reported how ‘pleased’ they are to see some actions successfully completed including the appointment of a new Chief Executive dedicated to Cambridgeshire and the completion of a review of ‘This Land’ resulting in a series of recommendations with actions already underway.
There are some recommendations which are ongoing and will need to continue to be worked on, such as the Council’s shared services arrangements with neighbouring Peterborough City Council.
The LGA Peer Challenge report on Cambridgeshire County Council published below made a number of recommendations to help it move further and faster, after the council invited it to undertake a six day review in July 2021, involving 40 meetings with 250 elected Members, officers and key partners across the County.