Cambridgeshire County Council publish key research and analysis on Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Insight. View the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Insight document library to access the latest needs assessments, strategic assessments and joint strategic needs assessments (JSNA) documents related to children, families and adult services.
Carrying out research into adult social care and children's services
The Council has adopted procedures around research into adults and children’s social care in accordance with the Department of Health’s Research Governance Framework (RGF) for Health and Social Care.
The definition of research under the procedures is broad, encompassing audits, surveys and consultations as well as activities which would traditionally be labelled 'research'. It doesn’t cover information which is collected as a matter of routine e.g. individual reviews of service users or the collection of management and performance information.
The Research Evaluation Framework Application pack contains information related to carrying out research in connection with Cambridgeshire County Council. It includes a fact sheet that covers what needs to be considered before you start your research or evaluation. There is also a flowchart summarising the application process. The length of time an application will take to process will depend on the complexity of the proposal and the level of risk to participants.
If you have any questions about the process, email