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Active Travel schemes to be considered

28 November 2023

A programme of Active Travel (Tranche 2) projects, to encourage walking and cycling across Cambridgeshire, will be discussed and members will consider whether to make them permanent.

The trial schemes that will be considered at the Highways and Transport Committee on Tuesday, 5 December, are:

  • Restrictions to through-vehicles on Church Street, Chesterton
  • Two-way cycling in Ambury Road, Huntingdon
  • Restrictions to through-vehicles on Vinery Road, Cambridge
  • New sections of protected cycle lanes on East Road and the removal of the layby
  • One-way section, protected cycle lane and reduced speed limit on Cambridge Road, Madingley
  • New sections of protected cycle lanes and improved pedestrian crossing islands at the Trumpington Road/Fen Causeway/Lensfield Road junction

In addition to the above, the interim measures at the A505/A1301 and Newmarket Road/Barnwell Road junction and the traffic calming measures in Bassingbourn will also be discussed.

There was a consultation carried out between July and September 2021, a member working group set-up, and before and after surveys carried out regarding these schemes. The schemes have been implemented using both a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and Experimental Traffic Regulation Orders (ETRO). Under the TRO/ETRO process formal objections are invited to the proposals, which together with any additional comments can be sent to the county council.

The restrictions to through-vehicles on Church Street and Vinery Road were implemented using an ETRO process, letters were sent to all residents prior to implementation and during the schemes.

The Vinery Road scheme has seen two removeable bollards installed to prevent through traffic, this is to increase safety for those walking and cycling and improve the attractiveness of the area. There has been monitoring carried out which shows the number of people walking and cycling in the area has increased whilst air pollution has decreased with no corresponding increase in the surrounding streets. There has been some increase in traffic levels on Mill Road but no significant increases on Coldham’s Lane.

To improve the safety of Church Street for people travelling by bike or on foot, two planters and a removeable bollard were installed. Monitoring has shown there has been no significant queuing, air pollution has decreased and there has been an increase in the number of people walking and cycling.

On Cambridge Road, Madingley, the southern end of the road was made one-way for motor vehicles to provide a safer cycle route to and from Madingley village. Sections of protected cycle lanes were installed using flexible wands and the speed limit was reduced to 40mph. The number of people cycling on Cambridge Road has increased. Traffic levels have grown on Church Lane but contravention of the one-way has reduced significantly following the installation of additional signage and satnav changes.

Protected cycle lanes were installed on sections of East Road to improve the safety of the cycle route along this busy road. This included closing the layby to improve the safety of the transition onto the carriageway from the underpass and discourage people from cycling on the footpath. There have been objections to this scheme which focus on the removal of the short-stay parking, congestion, and problems for emergency vehicles. There have been alterations made throughout the scheme, and discussions with the emergency services on further changes to help their access. There have been no collisions involving cyclists since installation although there has been some increase in queuing traffic.

The double mini roundabouts on Trumpington Road have been a collision cluster site for many years with most incidents involving people travelling on foot or by bike. The scheme aimed to improve safety by reducing the number of approach and exit lanes to both mini roundabouts. There have been positive responses that cycling or walking through the junction felt much safer, however, there has been an increase in congestion and bus journeys affected. The report proposes further monitoring of the bus delays whilst exploring the reintroduction of a partial or full traffic lane on Trumpington Road between Lensfield Road and Fen Causeway to ease the queuing.

The delivery of the projects follows earlier trials of cycling and walking schemes introduced during the pandemic. These were funded by the Government to encourage people to make more active travel choices (Tranche 1) and were made permanent by Cambridgeshire County Council as active travel is at the heart of the Joint Administration’s vision for Cambridgeshire.

Cllr Alex Beckett, chair of the Highways and Transport Committee at Cambridgeshire County Council, said: “Active travel is one of the council's top priorities and we are committed to making sure that everyone in the county has access to good walking, cycling and equestrian routes.

“I’d like to thank everyone for their comments on these schemes, we have received both positive and negative feedback about the changes. We need to be mindful that the statutory process invites objections, so we often don’t receive supportive comments. However, we have made alterations throughout the schemes, we have been carrying out surveys looking at traffic queues and the numbers of people walking and cycling. We are also regularly monitoring congestion using traffic sensors. All this information will be considered at the Highways and Transport Committee next week when the schemes will be discussed, and a decision will be made as to whether to make the changes permanent.”

More information on the active travel schemes can be found at:

The committee papers can be found on our website and the meeting will be live streamed on the council’s YouTube channel.