Pupils are being encouraged to embrace the fresh air at the start of the day by taking part in Walk to School Week.
The fun, five-day challenge for primary pupils is being embraced by numerous schools across Cambridgeshire, with many also taking part in daily events to promote the benefits of exercise.
The initiative from 15-19 May is being run by Living Streets but has the backing of the county council which has placed active travel as one of its key ambitions for Cambridgeshire.
And while not everyone will be able to ditch the car for the daily commute to school, there are other ways people can take part in the week of action including by parking away from the school gates to allow for a short walk in, organising a fun walking activity during breaktime, or even walking laps around the school playground or field!
Pupils who take part in the challenge will earn stickers as a reward, and on the Tuesday that week (or should that be Shoesday), they will be able to wear shoes they love to school. That could be anything from trainers, glittery party shoes, fun slippers or even wellies.
And aside from promoting healthier behaviour, there will be an education side with messages promoting the need to Stop, Look, Listen and Think when crossing the road.
Cllr Bryony Goodliffe, chair of Cambridgeshire County Council’s Children and Young People Committee, said: “Walking to school is not only a great habit to get into, it will also be a nice way of energising children ahead of the school day. And what can be better than chatting with your friends first thing in the morning!
“I would encourage as many primary schools to get involved in the challenge, and even if walking is not an option then why not think about day-time activities or even encouraging cycling into school.”