A new scheme to upgrade the existing crossing on Barton Road, with adjustments that simplify the crossing to increase safety and efficiency of movement for pedestrians, cyclists and other users is scheduled to start on 3 April.
A new signalised pedestrian crossing is to be constructed on Barton Road, between Derby Street and Hardwicke Street, the proposed crossing provides a safer route for those travelling to the southside of Barton Road to get to the shops and amenities.
It also means users can avoid the main crossing point on the corner where the conflicting demands between pedestrians and cyclists could lead to overcrowding and congestion.
As part of the scheme, Cambridgeshire County Council will be improving the surface water drainage and will be resurfacing the carriageway and footway in the vicinity of the works.
The work is programmed to start on site w/c 3rd April 2023 and is anticipated to last 12 weeks.
The majority of the work will be taking place during the day, under traffic signals which will be in place 24/7, in-order to mitigate against queuing traffic, however there may be a short period of overnight maintenance in the future.
A fully trained and competent traffic management marshal will monitor traffic between 06.00hrs and 20.00hrs seven days a week. Cambridgeshire County Council will ensure that the traffic management marshal will actively visibly monitor the site during peak hours.
For the duration of the works a section of Grantchester Street will be closed to enable Barton Road to be controlled under two-way temporary signals rather than three-way signals which will help maximise the flow of traffic, for the same reason traffic from Driftway will only be able to turn left onto Barton Road, access to Grantchester Street will be via Derby Street/ Hardwicke Street and Newnham Croft.
Chair of Cambridgeshire County Council’s Highways and Transport Committee, Cllr Alex Beckett, said: “I appreciate these closures may cause some inconvenience, but we are confident these works will make a big difference to those who use them and improve the quality of the roads.
I would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding. Our highways team will work hard to complete these upgrades as quickly as possible so we can re-open the roads.”