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New care professional website to benefit 9,000 care workers

29 December 2023

A new care professional website which is aimed at training, development and benefits for social care professionals in Cambridgeshire, has been launched.

The Care Professional Academy which is supported by Cambridgeshire’s Academy for Reaching Excellence (CARE) is a training website for adult social care providers and professionals to access training initiatives, receive benefits for taking part in training and access information from the local authority.

Care providers who have signed up are supporting the new council’s website initiative to improve training and retain staff for over 9,000 care workers.

This allows employers to track and monitor the professional development of their staff, while providing care professionals with portable training passports for continuous career development with the support of the council.

Care professionals can gain access to exclusive rewards and discounts at over 800 UK retailers including Sainsbury’s, Argos, Boots, Marks & Spencer, Tesco, John Lewis/Waitrose, Pizza Hut and many more. This scheme is designed to help care workers and comes at a time when a mix of increased competition and rising prices make it more difficult to recruit to this area.

The Care Professional Academy is set to change the way care professionals are trained, developed, and connected within the industry. By promoting a culture of continuous learning and transparent communication, the care professional website aims to improve the standards of care provision and contribute to the overall well-being of individuals receiving care.

A better trained workforce will improve the care given to adults who the Council is supporting. This also supports Cambridgeshire County Council’s ways of working while also embedding its ambitions for a greener, fairer and more caring Cambridgeshire. Unfilled vacancies frequently put pressure on services, but staff are more likely to stay if they feel appreciated for the work they do.

Cllr Richard Howitt, Chair of the Adults and Health Committee said: "The launch of the Care Professional Academy is a significant step forward in enhancing the quality of care services in our community and the quality of work for our much-prized care workers.

“In addition, the benefits scheme will improve overall pay packages, retaining staff in a sector where they often leave for better paid, less stressful jobs such as in hospitality or retail. We want staff to feel even more appreciated for the work they do.”

“The portable training passport also provides care professionals with the flexibility to carry their training from one employer to another and will undoubtedly contribute to a more skilled and stable workforce, ultimately benefitting those in our community who rely on quality care."

Lesley Saint, Quality and Training Lead at Blossom HCG, said: “I have found the care academy to be beneficial to all who use it within Blossom HCG.”

“When training is completed either in house, externally or by e-learning it can be added by the staff member which allows them to continually develop their skills.”

“When the academy receives the certificates, they are validated and staff go on to earn rewards which the team use regularly for things like shopping discounts or money off spa days.”

On Thursday, 18 January, we have invited over 100 delegates including those from care providers to our event.

For more information on Cambridgeshire’s new academy visit: Home - Cambridgeshire Academy (