A new Changing Spaces facility with enhanced accessibility has opened in St Neots, part funded by a grant of £40,000 from Cambridgeshire County Council.
Last Friday, county councillors Alex Bulat and Geoffrey Seef joined St Neots Mayor, Cllr Richard Slade, and other invited guests to view the new facilities in Riverside Park car park.
A grant of £40,000 from the Cambridgeshire Priorities Capital Fund contributed towards the refurbishment of the existing toilets, and the addition of a Changing Space. The project is a partnership between Cambridgeshire County Council, Huntingdonshire District Council, and St Neots Town Council.
This new Changing Space was one of 26 community projects across Cambridgeshire awarded funding this March by the County Council’s Communities, Social Mobility and Inclusion Committee. Applicants demonstrated how their project supported the council’s ambitions – creating a greener, safer and more caring Cambridgeshire.
The Changing Places initiative aims to create inclusive and accessible toilet facilities for everyone across the UK. These toilets go beyond standard accessible facilities, providing the extra equipment and space that allows disabled people to use the toilet in both safety and comfort.
Around a quarter of a million people in the UK require the quality of facilities provided by a Changing Places toilet. The national lack of appropriate facilities can prevent disabled people from engaging in their community spaces, leading to isolation and negatively affecting social interaction, health, and mental wellbeing.
In St Neots, the enhanced inclusivity and accessibility that the new facilities bring will allow residents and visitors with disabilities to spend more time enjoying Riverside Park, the town centre, and the various events held at Riverside Park throughout the year.
Councillor Alex Bulat, vice-chair of Cambridgeshire County Council’s Communities, Social Mobility and Inclusion Committee, said: “It was fantastic to visit the new Changing Places accessible facilities in St Neots, I’m so pleased that we were able to help make this project a reality.
“The county council is committed to supporting projects that reduce health inequalities and enable people to enjoy healthy, safe, and independent lives’. These toilets will allow disabled residents and visitors to St Neots to participate more confidently and comfortably in the life of the town.”
Cllr Richard Slade, Mayor of St Neots, said: "After a lot of incredible hard work, I am proud that we now have a new fully inclusive Changing Places Toilet that is open to use.
“The Changing Places will be life-changing to so many and give a better quality of life to those needing it. This is another step towards inclusivity in our town and hopefully sets a precedent for other councils in surrounding areas.”