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We are pleased to publish the District Demand Profiles Forecast for Older Person’s and Specialist Supported Accommodation for people 18-64 years’ of age, These demand profiles show the expected demand growth for each of these groups at county and district level.

These documents should be read in conjunction with our Key Strategic Intentions (to be published July 2024) which outlines the authority’s approach to delivering the required accommodation and ensuring it meets the needs of the communities it serves.

Older Peoples Accommodation

The District Demand Profiles Forecast for Older People’s Accommodation 2021-2036 has been produced jointly by Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council. It contains district level demand forecasts. These are based upon local population and existing provision data.

The demand profiles are intended to support both local authorities in their market shaping duties. The demand profiles can:

  • inform strategic planning in district councils
  • support and business planning amongst providers in the local area
  • support planning for providers who are interested in expanding into Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

Our aim is to work with district councils and the provider market. We want to ensure that Cambridgeshire and Peterborough are places that meet the housing needs of people with care or support needs.

Our residents are able to make informed choices to:

  • support their independence for life
  • enable them to live in a safe, affordable, accessible, adaptable, and warm home
  • choose the location where they want to live.

We are keen to develop services which support people to remain living independently. Where this is not possible, we are keen to encourage the development of ‘housing with care’ solutions.

We recognise the part which traditional care homes play. We also want to explore alternative housing options which may offer people better outcomes.

We see the development of a mixed care market, with different delivery models, as offering maximum choice to people when making decisions about their current and future care needs. This will include specialist housing options as well as age-friendly housing within the mainstream market.

We would like to involve as many people as possible in this work. If you would like to learn more about this project,  you can contact members of the Adult Social Care Commissioning Team by emailing us at

Specialist Supported Accommodation for adults 18-64

The District Demand Profiles Forecast for specialist Supported Accommodation 2022-2041 contains district level demand forecasts. These are based upon local population and existing provision data. 

The demand profiles are intended to support both local authorities in their market shaping duties. The demand profiles can:

  • inform strategic planning in district councils
  • support and business planning amongst providers in the local area
  • support planning for providers who are interested in expanding into Cambridgeshire.

Our approach is to help Cambridgeshire residents make informed choices to maintain their independence enabling them to live in a

  • safe
  • affordable
  • accessible
  • adaptable
  • energy efficient
  • warm home

in a location which suits them.

We aim to work with district councils and the provider market to ensure that Cambridgeshire meets the housing needs of people with care or support needs.

Use of local district council housing stock is the local authority’s primary route to sourcing accommodation for people. We will procure bespoke support packages on a case-by-case basis.

Where council housing stock is not an appropriate option we will provide specialist supported housing through our supported living and residential frameworks.

Using these frameworks, our residents will receive support with an appropriate range of specialist accommodation options which:

  • maximise personal independence
  • enable people to live in a safe, accessible environment which provides flexible support tailored to individual needs
  • promotes people’s individual’s health and wellbeing
  • promotes integration in local communities and access to mainstream services

This assessment will support our commissioning strategy for specialist supported accommodation. It will focus on the delivery of supported accommodation provision for adults with learning disabilities, autism, physical disabilities, and complex mental health issues.

We will hold a series of market engagement events to:

  • share our vision
  • explore collaboration opportunities
  • shape our commissioning intentions

We would like to involve as many people as possible in this work. If you would like to learn more about this project,  you can contact members of the Adult Social Care Commissioning Team by emailing us at