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Museum advice and support

Our Museums Partnership Officer provides professional support and guidance to museums across Cambridgeshire. We work with museums to help them access funding and training and support their ongoing development. We also work in close partnership to improve museum services and provision across the county.

Museums in Cambridgeshire (MiC)

MiC works to support and develop museums in the county. It consists of museum practitioners and officers from the University of Cambridge Museums and the County Council. MiC supports five key aims:

  • provide a voice for Cambridgeshire museums and promote the work of the museum sector to stakeholders
  • attract and manage resources for the benefit of members
  • support the development of museums through the improved standards and workforce development
  • increase access and learning for the benefit of the people of Cambridgeshire
  • seek strategic ways of developing museums. The association is open to all museums in the County who pay an annual subscription of £50

For more information about MiC visit the MiC website.

You can also contact Emma Bunbury, Museums Partnership Officer. Email: .

Training opportunities

Museum Development South East (MDSE) is a regional programme funded by Arts Council England to deliver Museum Development across the South East of England.

MDSE training calendar is available for museums in the South East of England. This year's programme covers a range of subjects, from collection care to forward planning to volunteer support. It includes virtual and in person workshops, peer led seminars and regional conferences.

For current opportunities and to book, please go to current training – Museum Development South East.

If you require more information about Museum Development or Museums in Cambridgeshire please contact Emma Bunbury, Museum Partnership Officer for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough