Real time bus information
What is real time information?
Find bus information online
You can find real time information online at
My Bus Trip app
The My Bus Trip app provides passengers with free direct access to real time bus information via their mobile phones and includes:
- real time bus location - displays a map with bus stops and shows real time locations of buses
- real time route map - displays service routes on the map
- nearby stops and services - gives access to bus stop and service information related to a location. The location is either set automatically (detected by GPS) or specified on the map by a Drop Pin
- bus operator - displays the operator name, service and destination for the selected bus
- detailed journey information - provides full information about a journey including where the service stops, the distance of stops from your current location, bus due time, predicted departure time and scheduled departure time
Download My Bus Trip app

Solar powered bus timetable displays
Cambridgeshire County Council's Integrated Highways Management Centre team, in collaboration with Real Time Passenger Information (RPTI) contractor VIX Technology, have installed the first solar powered e-ink technology displays in the county, which will show the real time timetable for bus arrivals.
Replacing mains powered LED standard displays with energy efficient e-ink technology (like a Kindle screen) is an environmentally green and future-proof solution which is flexible in meeting changing business and passenger needs. The solar powered units are capable of displaying weather information and bus arrival times.
Mains connections are not required so the units are also very flexible in terms of being able to sit in challenging locations, and the new display technology allows content to be viewed in direct sunlight. The units are also equipped with LEDs for night-time illumination.
So far, nine displays have been installed to test the new technology:
- Four displays at the Grafton Centre in Cambridge
- One display on Chesterton Road in Cambridge near Hertford Street
- One display in the village of Sutton to address power problems
- One display on Ermine Street in Huntingdon
- Two displays on Stukeley Road in Huntingdon
Another twelve displays will be delivered in the next three months:
- Eight displays on U route in Cambridge
- Two displays on Madingley Road in Cambridge
- Two displays in Witchford

Reporting issues with an electronic bus timetable at a bus stop
From 1 January 2022, the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority manages this service. If you notice a fault with an electronic bus timetable at a bus stop, please contact them by email at