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The group descriptions shown are connected to the Community Flood Action Groups markers that are displayed on our Community flood groups map


Contact: Robert Johnson
Website: The Alconbury Brook Flood Group
Social channels: 

The Alconbury Brook Flood Group's ambition is to store, slow and stretch the flow of the brook to reduce risk of flooding to homes in the Alconburys and Hamerton.

We are a charity with trustees, formed after the 2020 flood. Objectives are broadly agreed with Parish Councils but we work independently. We regularly report to our, nearly 100, supporters and volunteers.

We are embedded in our communities for the benefit of all. We want to bring the community on board, to outline the environmental gain and concern for the character of our villages.

Key principles of the group:

  • Partnership
  • Direct Action
  • Communication and trust
  • Resilience
  • Learn rather than blame


Contact: Thanea Hodges
Website: Cottenham Parish Council Flood Plan
Social channels: 

We represent house numbers 64, 66, 68, 70, 72  38 and 150.

Our issues are the ingresses into our own home (68) which have previously only occurred in extreme weather events (approx. once every 10 years ) but have then drained within 24-36 hrs.

Since 2020 our garden and those in both terraces and 66 are almost consistently saturated after almost any rainfall. This follows the building of the first batch of houses on the Oakington Road so we’d ask for investigation to see whether the first estate, which is almost totally block paved, can manage the surface water runoff in extreme weather, given that it sits topographically above the terrace.

As the Government has identified this area as at high risk of surface water flooding we'd seek to ensure that any/all building be prohibited because of the appalling effects on the gardens and the  increased risk of ingresses into property unless the field or garden surface water can be directed to the updated Anglian Water pumps which don't fail in extreme weather events, which has occurred every time our property has been flooded.

Further along the road, flooding of drives/garages occur from the highway in extreme rainfall.


Contact: Peter Ward
Website: Elsworth Parish Council Community Flood Plan 
Social channels: 

In Elsworth we have an active flood group, dedicated to improving our flood defences in the village. We are implementing a scheme of planned maintenance for our brook, ditches and culverts. We are currently carrying out investigations to highlight any defects in the long culverts in the village.

In addition we are liaising with nearby landowners to try and slow the rates of run-off from their land.

Houghton and Wyton

Contact: Nigel Swaby
Social channels: Facebook

Houghton and Wyton Community Flood Action Group formed in 2021, the group campaigns to raise awareness of flood risks and increase our community's readiness to deal with flooding - if risks turn to reality. The group works with the flood risk management authorities to try to reduce the risks of flooding.

We provide regular weather and flood risk briefings for residents and advice on how to be better prepared for flooding. In a flood event we will pass information to and from the authorities and the emergency services.

Our trained flood wardens are equipped to help the community during a flood. We work closely with and are supported by the Parish Council. We welcome new members in a range of roles.


Contact: Jenny Linton
Telephone: 01223 891001
Social channels: 

The Linton Flood Group has an emergency plan in place. There are two designated places of safety which have been communicated via the Linton News (monthly publication) and social media pages for the village.


Contact: Dee Laws
Website: Whittlesey Town Council Flood Warden Group
Social channels: 

The Delph Flood Warden Group was set up in April 2013 following a meeting with Fenland District Council Emergency Planning Team, the Environment Agency Flood Resilience Team and Whittlesey Town Council. It was seen as much needed in an area that borders the Whittlesey Washes and includes the regularly flooded B1040 (known locally as Whittlesey Wash Road - between South of the Dog-in-a-Doublet Bridge and East Delph, Whittlesey).

The group offers reassurance and practical help to the people of Whittlesey East and North West Whittlesey Wards. It also provides a useful model for other areas, not least in its ability to get information from The Environment Agency, Cambridgeshire County Council Highways Department and Emergency Services out to local people quickly and reliably.

Each Warden has particular responsibility for residents in their own road and if necessary on another street. Their roles include identifying properties of potentially vulnerable residents, encouraging everyone to draw up their own personal flood plans and monitoring the conditions of the local watercourses.

The Environment Agency has identified 220 x properties at risk of flooding and over 1,000 potentially at risk of flooding. Delph Flood Wardens have concentrated on making house calls to 220 x residents at risk of flooding and identifying vulnerable residents by house number and roads, for example, the elderly, residents living by themselves, residents with medical and mobility issues etc. This information has only been registered with the Environment Agency. In case of flooding the emergency services would be given these residents details for evacuation priority.

Delph Flood Warden Group voluntary members have called on the households in Whittlesey East and North West Whittlesey Wards known to be at potential risk to give them detailed advice packs on what to do in an emergency.

Having a flood warden builds up confidence and relationships, it’s like a "buddy" partnership. In any emergency it’s important to have local people on the ground who are known and trusted and can work closely with the statutory services to help prevent panic and get key information to anyone who may be at risk.

We circulate road closures and encourage all residents to register with the Environment Agency FREE information service for flood alerts. Last year using CPCA Growing Fenland grants we obtained funding for 3 x Electronic Information Highway Signs strategically located, two along the A605 and one at Cambridgeshire side of B1040 displaying up to the minute information. This information alerts motorist of road closures owing to flooding and RTA’s etc.

Voluntary Delph Flood Wardens have been vetted by The Environment Agency as an approved extension of their outreach teams and we assure residents completing the Environment Agency official registration that form is data protected.

We have attended training courses and in 2015 organised a flood evacuation at The Manor Leisure Centre, Whittlesey. Residents volunteering were issued a role play sheet on arrival and this event was supported by Fenland District Council Officers Emergency Team, Emergency Services, Red Cross Team & St. John’s Team.

The event was held between 10am to 4pm and we supplied refreshments, play area for toddlers, pets corner as several owners brought their most valuable possession; dogs, cats and one very vocal African grey parrot! We had advertised some weeks before the event and were amazed at the number of residents that arrived and wished to participate. Most had brought along essential medication and many had arrived with the Flood Information waterproof wallets wardens had issued in 2013.

Flood wallets contain essential information booklets and personal forms completed by the home owner with contact details of next of kin, building/contents insurance details, bank details, GP surgery and medication, vehicle details - all that you would need should your home flood.