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Learning Disability Partnership (LDP)

We help people who have a learning disability.
  • If you have a learning disability diagnosis, we can provide health support
  • We can also provide social care support if you need this higher level of help. Find out about social care assessment and eligibility.

With the right help, everyone with a learning disability can achieve their goals.

For support for people aged 0-25 years with additional needs, see our information on the SEND Information Hub (Local Offer).

Contact us

Telephone:  0345 045 5202

9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday

The Cambridgeshire Learning Disability Partnership (LDP) brings together specialist health and social care services for people with a learning disability. The LDP is responsible for commissioning and providing these services on behalf of Cambridgeshire Primary Care Trust and Cambridgeshire County Council. Some staff are employed by the County Council and some by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Mental Health Trust, but they are all part of the LDP.

The LDP has a close working relationship with the Mental Health Trust. Health professionals, whilst employed by the MHPT, are managed by the integrated management arrangement within the LDP. The LDP directly provides access to specialist nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, allied health professionals and care managers through its integrated community teams, which cover the county (Huntingdonshire, East Cambridgeshire & Fenland, and South Cambridgeshire & city).

It directly provides daytime support, respite care and some supported living accommodation in various locations across Cambridgeshire. The majority of daytime support, respite care, domiciliary care and supported living accommodation is commissioned by the LDP from a wide range of independent and voluntary sector care providers, acting in partnership with the LDP to deliver high-quality care options for people with a learning disability.

Working with over 65 organisations, employing over 1,500 staff through these organisations, the LDP has a central role in delivering specialist health and social care for people with a learning disability. It enables people to live as independently as possible in their local communities, accessing mainstream services wherever possible.

Services for adults with a learning disability

We work with a range of partners to provide:

  • daytime support
  • respite care
  • home care
  • supported living accommodation
  • specialist health support

Day services

We offer specialist services to meet a wide range of needs.

  • We help people to develop the skills to get a job.
  • We help people to take part in social activities.
  • We help people to learn.
  • Short-term residential care

We can provide short breaks so that carers can have a break.

Shared Lives scheme

Shared Lives provides short breaks within a family setting. The scheme supports adults to learn independence within their own communities. People can also be supported in a permanent placement.

Supported living

Where a person decides to live independently, we make sure they have support to stay safe.

Residential care

If supported living is not appropriate for you, we can help look into residential care.

Young adults team

The young adults team is part of the Learning Disability Partnership (LDP). The team supports young people with a learning disability from age 18 until they transfer to their local LDP team. This is likely to be (but is not automatically) at the end of formal education.

Learning Disability Annual Health Check Scheme

People with learning disabilities often have poorer physical and mental health than other people. This doesn’t need to be the case.

Anyone aged 14 and over with a learning disability can have a health check every year.

You can find more information about Annual Health Checks on NHS Choices website.

Learning Disabilities Register

Mencap has information on joining the Learning Disability Register to get more support from your GP.

Care and support easy read documents

We provide easy read information sheets on care and support. This includes information on adult services and being a carer.

Learning Disability Nurses

Learning Disability Nurses432KBpdf
Updated December 2023
Size: 432KBFile format: pdf