Reducing parental conflict and building healthier relationships
Conflict between parents is a normal part of relationships and family life. Conflict can be present between parents whether they are together or separated. It can range from a lack of warmth and emotional distance, through to swearing and shouting.
Not all conflict is damaging. It starts to become a problem when conflict between parents is frequent, intense and poorly resolved. Parental conflict is a known risk factor for poor child outcomes including emotional, behavioural, social and academic development.
This information is for parents whether together, separated or considering separation, who want to find ways to improve their relationship and get on better. Our resources can support you to find helpful ways to communicate during stressful times.
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Free courses for parents
- Me, You and Baby Too – Designed to help new and expectant parents cope with the changes that could happen in their relationship when they become parents and learn how to cope with stress and conflict constructively.
- Arguing Better – Designed to raise awareness of the impact parental conflict can have on children and help parents develop better ways of managing stress and arguments together.
- Getting it Right for Children – Designed to support separated parents, helping them to avoid the harmful situation of their children getting caught up in the middle of their conflict.
- Debt & Relationships – The impact of debt on relationships and support around what to do when you or your partner are having concerns around money.
How to Register
View the One Plus One online relationship support for parents website for more details about the free digital courses.
Alternatively, we are running the courses as webinars via TEAMS and anyone is welcome to join. They are free of charge.
- Me, You and Baby Too. Online Via Teams, Wednesday 21st August 5-6pm & Wednesday 28th August 5-6pm
- Improve the communication with your partner to support your children (Arguing Better). Online Via Teams, Friday 4 October, 12-1pm & Friday 11 October 12-1pm
- Improve the communication with your ex-partner to support your children (Getting it Right for Children). Online Via Teams, Wednesday 16th October 6:30 -7:30pm & Wednesday 23rd October 6:30 -7:30pm
- Improve the communication with your ex-partner to support your children (Getting it Right for Children). Online Via Teams, Monday 20th January 2025 Midday - 1pm & Monday 27th January Midday -1pm
- Improve the communication with your partner to support your children (Arguing Better). Online Via Teams, Tuesday 4th February 2025 6:30 - 7:30pm & Tuesday 11th February 6:30 - 7:30pm.
Additional support
If you need additional support with reducing conflict in your relationship and have at least one child aged 0-18 years, please speak with a professional you may already be working with. This could be your child’s school, health visitor or nursery.
“I found the course really helpful - one of the best things I have done for my family. The course creates a different mindset where you are seeing the couple relationship from the viewpoint of the children. I got a lot out of it. I recommend the course 100% to other parents.”
If you need additional support with reducing conflict in your relationship and have at least one child aged 0-18 years, please speak with a professional you may already be working with. This could be your child’s school, health visitor or nursery.
Parental conflict courses are not suitable for domestic abuse situations
Parental conflict and domestic abuse are very different (although can look similar), and it is important to identify which is happening. If you feel scared of your partner’s reaction during conflict, or you feel you are walking on eggshells, these might be signs you are being subjected to domestic abuse or coercive and controlling behaviour. If this is the case, then this course may not be suitable for your situation. You can find out more about domestic abuse support at Cambs DASV.
If you are unsure whether your relationship is domestic abuse or relationship conflict, you may find this document helpful.
Information for Professionals
There are a range of resources and training sessions available around reducing parental conflict for professionals. For more information please contact RPCLead@cambridgeshire.gov.uk.
Domestic abuse and relationship conflict are very different (although can look similar), and it is important to identify which is happening. Our Domestic Abuse and Parental Conflict Screening Tool for Early Help Practitioners should be used to establish this. This document is designed to be used following a conversation with a service user, not to be completed with a service user.