Local Area Energy Planning provides us with the information on current energy infrastructure and what we need in the future to support the transition to low carbon energy for Cambridgeshire. This will help us plan where it needs to be located and to deliver affordable, sustainable and accessible energy infrastructure across the area.
Working with our partners, Local Area Energy Planning (LAEP) allows us to take the first steps to planning how energy across the county can meet future demand, build energy resilience, and support the local economy to help meet the county’s Net Zero ambitions.

Who are we working with?
We are working in partnership with Cambridge City Council, Huntingdonshire District Council, South Cambridgeshire District Council, East Cambridgeshire District Council and the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) on this project. CPCA is the main funder with our other partners providing additional financial contribution or in-kind officer resources.
The partnership is working closely with UK Power Networks, the local Distribution Network, who own and maintain electricity cables and lines across the East of England. They are playing an active role in shaping the LAEP to make sure it aligned and supports their future network planning.
We are also collaborating with the Greater South East Net Zero Hub (GSENZH) as well as the University of Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin University to share key research and best practice to make sure our LAEP is at the cutting-edge of energy system planning.
As we progress, we will want to hear views from our communities, residents and businesses to make sure we successfully plan our future energy infrastructure.
How can I get involved?
Our Cambridgeshire communities and businesses have a vital role in shaping the future energy system and realise the benefits for everyone. We need to understand your plans and aspirations, the level of investment and future demand required from the energy system to enable Cambridgeshire to continue to grow and thrive.
To ensure we hear your views, we will be undertaking significant engagement activities throughout the project. In particular we would like to hear from:
- Businesses (SMEs and large)
- Community energy groups
- Town and Parish Councils
- High/large energy consumers/users (e.g. NHS)
- Landowners and developers
- Agricultural sector (e.g. Farmers, NFU)
- Financial institutions
- Residents (including residents associations)
- Trade associations
We will update this page with more information once we have planned events to share with you.