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Roadwork and traffic information - Roadworks and faults

Upcoming roadworks

We publish details of upcoming roadworks by district in the bulletins below. The bulletins show planned roadworks that we know about at the time of publication.

Every two weeks we publish bulletins. Please note, bulletins are not updated, they are a ‘snapshot’ between the dates shown. The work dates may have changed, cancelled or new works planned to take place within the dates of the latest bulletin. Emergency works are not included in the bulletins.

The latest roadworks information, including emergencies and road closures, are on the interactive map. For help using the tool please view our guide Using the map (opens as pdf).

Upcoming National Highways works

Please note that National Highways works are not the responsibility of Cambridgeshire County Council. Any enquiries concerning these works should be directed to


Tel: 0300 123 5000

Stay informed

You can sign up for email alerts about upcoming events and roadworks in your area on the map. Click the envelope icon in the top left hand corner of the map and follow the instructions to start receiving alerts.

For help on how to use the roadworks map, please see the document below.

Traffic Management Centre

Our Traffic Management Centre page details how we are deploying digital solutions to provide accurate and real-time road network updates.

We are dedicated to ensuring a safe, efficient and sustainable transport network for residents, businesses and visitors to our county. Pro-actively managing the road network to help drivers make informed decisions that help keep traffic flowing.