Update – September 2024
At the end of July, Cambridgeshire County Council agreed with the claimant to end legal proceedings in relation to the Mill Road Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) challenge and decided to undertake the consultation and decision-making process on the traffic regulation order again.
TRO Consultation - Friday 9 August to midnight on Friday 13 September
A statutory consultation on the proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to close Mill Road bridge to all vehicles, except buses, bicycles, emergency services, taxis, and blue badge holders – who may apply to register up to two vehicles on the Permitted Vehicles List for the Mill Road bus gate – has now ended.
Special Highways and Transport Committee on Friday 4 October
A report will be presented at a special Highways and Transport Committee meeting on Friday 4 October to make a decision about the TRO.
TRO documents
Get in touch
If you have any questions about the TRO, please email policy.andregulation@cambridgeshire.gov.uk, quoting reference PR1058; and if you have any questions about the Mill Road Bus Gate project, please email Local.Highways@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
Blue badge holder registration
If the new TRO is approved by the Highways & Transport Committee, Blue Badge holders who wish to register up to a maximum of two vehicles, to travel over Mill Road bridge by car, would be required to provide relevant details such as name, address, Blue Badge number and appropriate paperwork.
Full registration details will be made available if the TRO is approved.
The exemption does not apply to any other bus gates or lanes in Cambridge.
The closure would be implemented as a bus gate and blue badge holders would need to register by completing the application form.
Between June 2020 and early August 2021, Mill Road bridge was temporarily closed to most vehicles under an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). The closure was part of a government-funded scheme to help people socially distance and encourage walking and cycling during the Covid pandemic. When the order was removed and the bridge reopened in summer 2021, the Highways & Transport Committee asked the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) to review and consult on options for Mill Road to promote active travel and tackle air quality and congestion.
The GCP consultation in 2022, which included focus groups of key stakeholders and two public workshops, showed that there was a desire to see traffic reduced while maintaining access for those who need it, including people with disabilities and taxis. There was also a wish to see the environment enhanced along Mill Road, including improving the public realm.
After reviewing the consultation, the Highways & Transport Committee at its meeting on 12 July 2022 agreed to introduce a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to reinstate the modal filter on Mill Road. The Committee was clear the TRO should include new exemptions, allowing blue badge holders and taxis over the bridge.
On Tuesday, 7 March 2023, members of the Highways and Transport committee voted to reinstate the Mill Road bridge closure to all motor vehicles, except buses, cyclists, emergency services, taxis and blue badge holders. The TRO was made and sealed on 14 June 2023.
The TRO was subsequently challenged in the courts and as a result the County Council agreed not to implement any of the planned changes until the legal case was resolved.
Public realm scheme
In addition, the council is planning to improve the public realm, walking and cycling provision along Mill Road. This will include general improvements not included in the consultation such as, additional cycle parking, signage and decluttering the highway.
The potential public realm changes are being considered in collaboration with the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority and the Greater Cambridge Partnership.