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About microsites

A microsite is usually a small website with a specific message or purpose targeted towards a particular audience, it can have its own design and is separate from an organisation’s main website. A microsite can have its own domain name or be a sub domain of the main website.

The council website provides information about council services and activities to residents and the general public. The council website is managed by the web & digital team using a website content management system (CMS). 

The best way to provide information about council services and activities is not always on the council website. There are occasions when the council website is not the most suitable way of providing information, and an separate website would provide a better solution for a particular service, campaign, or subject.

Any website managed by the council other than the corporate website is called a microsite.

The council CMS provides the capability for microsites to be hosted within the same system creating a CMS platform which can be fully supported by the web & digital team.

It is the default position of the council that all websites should be developed within the corporate CMS platform, unless they meet the criteria for a separate website.

How to request a microsite

There are certain criteria that a proposed microsite must meet in order to be developed separately from the corporate website.

If the proposed microsite meets the criteria and is approved, the microsite will be developed within the corporate CMS platform.

Should the proposed microsite be required to be developed outside of the corporate CMS platform, the criteria for developing a microsite outside of the corporate CMS platform must be met.

When a decision is made on developing a microsite, either within the corporate CMS or outside of the corporate CMS, the key principles and criteria set out in the microsite policy will be applied. Any decision on the development of a proposed microsite will be made by the Head of Communications. 

Contact the web & digital team by emailing to request a microsite, you will be asked to read the microsite policy and complete a microsite request form.