Please note that owing to the current high volume of requests we may be unable to respond within our usual turnaround times. If a response is likely to take longer than the advertised time, an officer will contact you to advise.
Highways, public rights of way or common land and town / village green search
Our amended 'Schedule of Charges and Access to Information' document contains full details of the amended fees, and customers can also see more information about our most commonly requested services below.
Customers wishing to apply for our most commonly requested commercial services can do so using the online form below. Cambridgeshire County Council prioritises its enhanced commercial services.
This page provides some detail on the queries available through our online form - please see these listed below. However, for any further services, or for information about how to apply for services under Environmental Information Regulations (EIR), please consult the 'Schedule of Charges and Access to Information' document above.
Information for developers
Any developer seeking to make improvements within the highway should seek highway extent information from the Asset Information Searches Team. Highway boundary investigations can take additional time to research and resolve, therefore we advise that developers seek this information before submitting a planning application. Failure to confirm the highway extent before making an application could result in highway boundary queries arising at a later point in the planning process, potentially causing a delay. Please see our Schedule of Charges for the fees applicable for this work.
Please note that revised fees will come into effect in April 2024. To request a copy of the new Schedule of Fees ahead of this or for further information, please contact
Please note since 10 April 2015, customers have been unable to pay by cheque.
Please note that VAT has been payable on all CON29 enquiries of the local authority since 1 January 2017.
Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) Requests
Customers wishing to submit queries for our most commonly requested information using the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) can now do so using our online application form above. Under EIR the County Council is able to cover its costs for the provision of information, and our fees for fulfilling such requests can be seen in the 'Schedule of Charge and Access to Information' document above.
Any information requested under EIR will be supplied as soon as reasonably possible within 20 working days of the request being accepted. If we cannot provide the information, we will explain why within 20 working days of receipt.
Further information
Please note for companies and individuals wishing to apply for a highway, public rights of way or common land and town/village green search, please read the guidance below before submitting a search. Charges apply for these searches.
If you have pre-arranged to pay for a specific piece of work undertaken by Asset Information, please use the 'pre-agreed payment to asset information’ button below. A member of the Asset Information team will supply customers with a quote for any service that is not included in the application form above. Please note that VAT is also applicable to these services.
Description of services available via search application form
Highway boundary enquiry - £93.60 (including VAT)
Request to find out the extent of the highway maintainable at public expense in the vicinity of a property or site. You will be provided with a map and a supporting letter. The Council can also supply a GIS file for the highway in the vicinity of a site, but please note that we do not supply any Ordnance Survey base mapping.
Note for developers: Please be aware that highway boundary information is plotted using Ordnance Survey mapping, which is typically captured at a scale of 1:2500. Where highway rights extend up to a feature such as (but not limited to) a hedge or fence, the boundary is plotted against that feature as displayed by Ordnance Survey. Users of Ordnance Survey maps should be aware that the location of the feature shown on the mapping may differ from what actually exists on the site. Owing to the inherent differences in accuracy between Ordnance Survey data and topographic surveys, users of highway boundary data should exercise caution when overlaying this information with topographic survey data. Please see below our Data Accuracy Statement with regard to Ordnance Survey data.
Data Accuracy Statement
Please be aware that the search result we provide is a depiction of the highway extent that has been investigated using the highway records available to the County Council. This research has been interpreted and displayed against current Ordnance Survey (OS) map data as accurately as possible. It is possible that the OS mapping for the area searched does not show features that typically form part of the highway boundary, such as (but not limited to) ditches, hedges, fences or embankments. Therefore, please note that owing to the tolerance of accuracy that must be applied to OS maps, the highway boundary ‘on the ground’ may not be in exactly the same position as the boundary features displayed by OS. If you require a site visit to determine the physical highway extent please contact: This service is provided on a cost-recoverable basis in accordance with our Schedule of Charges.
Please note that any requests which will require more than a single officer hour to resolve may be charged an additional amount, in accordance with the length of time taken to do so.
Highway boundary database extract - £31.20 (including VAT)
Requests can be made for a simple extract from our electronic highway boundary database. The highway extent in these cases will not be fully investigated to check its accuracy.
Section 38 agreements - £14.40 (including VAT)
An agreement under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980 is a guarantee that a road will be adopted by the county council, provided the terms of the agreement are met.
You may wish to view the interactive map first to ensure that an agreement exists (prospective adopted highways are shown as thick orange lines) or request an official local land charges 'adopted roads' search.
You can view more highway and public right of way geographic information on the My Cambridgeshire mapping pages.
Further information about estate road adoption and Section 38 Agreements is published on our highways development page.
Certified copy of extract of the List of Streets/highway records - £62 (including VAT)
Requests for an extract of the highway record for a particular locality, certified that it is a true copy which can be used for legal purposes.
Copy of Public Path Order - £16.20 (including VAT)
Requests for copies of a single Public Path Order. Please note that copies of multiple orders must be requested separately.
Copy of extract of the Definitive Map - £16.20 (including VAT)
Requests for copies of an extract from the Definitive Map in relation to a specific property, site or path. Customers may wish to request a copy of an extract from the Definitive Statement to accompany.
Note: This provides a copy extract from the Definitive Map incorporating legal changes and events to public rights of way up to 11 May 2016. Changes made since this date will not be shown. Customer who wish to view up to date information may want to consider requesting the options under CON29, Question 2.2 and 2.5.
Copy of extract of the Definitive Statement - £16.20 (including VAT)
Requests for copies of an extract from the Definitive Statement in relation to a specific property, site or path. Under this request, width information can only be provided where it is recorded in the Definitive Statement. Customers may wish to request a copy of an extract from the Definitive Map to accompany.
Note: This provides a copy extract from the Definitive Map incorporating legal changes and events to public rights of way up to 11 May 2016. Changes made since this date will not be shown. Customer who wish to view up to date information may want to consider requesting the options under CON29, Question 2.2 and 2.5.
Certified copy of the Definitive Map and Statement – £62 (including VAT)
Requests for copies of an extract from the Definitive Map and Statement in relation to a specific property or site, certified as a true copy of the actual legal record. Under this request, width information can only be provided where it is recorded in the definitive statement
Note: This provides a copy extract from the Definitive Map incorporating legal changes and events to public rights of way up to 11 May 2016. Changes made since this date will not be shown. Customer who wish to view up to date information may want to consider requesting the options under CON29, Question 2.2 and 2.5.
Detailed public rights of way enquiry - £93.60 (including VAT)
Requests for a map of GIS data showing rights of way in the vicinity of a property or site and their statuses, together with answers to additional related questions, such as pending changes to the definitive map and statement.
Please attach or enter details of your requirements of the 'search address - site details' page of the online form.
For further information on public rights of way, including advice on legal processes for making changes to the rights of way network, please go to the Definitive Map and Statement information.
Please note that any requests which will require more than a single officer hour to resolve may be charged an additional amount, in accordance with the length of time taken to do so.
Copy of extract of the Commons Register or Town and Village Greens Register - £16.20 (including VAT)
Requests for copies of an extract from the Commons Register or Town and Village Greens Register in relation to a specific property or site.
Certified copy of the Commons Register or Town and Village Greens Register – £62 (including VAT)
Requests for copies of an extract from the Commons Register or Town and Village Greens Register in relation to a specific property or site, certified as a true copy of the actual legal record.
Copies of Landowner Deposits under Section 31(6) Highways Act 1980 and Section 15A Commons Act 2006 - Free
Copies of landowner deposits can be viewed on the interactive map on our landowner deposits page.
Local land charges
Requests for a formal written response to any of the CON29 local land charge questions listed below:
Full CON29 search - £60 (including VAT)
This comprehensive search comprises answers to questions 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7, as listed below. For full descriptions of these questions, see the link above.
Individual CON29 questions - all fees listed below include VAT
Q2.1 (a, b, c, d) | Adopted roads | £14.40 |
Q2.2 | Public Rights of Way (PROW) | £14.40 |
Q2.3 | Pending applications to record PROWs | £14.40 |
Q2.4 | Pending legal orders to stop-up/divert/alter/create a PROW | £14.40 |
Q2.5 | Map showing PROWs | £18 |
Q3.2 | Land Required for Road Works | £14.40 |
Q3.4 (a, b, c, d, e, f) | Nearby Road Schemes | £16.20 |
Q3.5 (a, b) | Nearby Railway Schemes | £14.40 |
Q3.6 (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l) | Traffic Schemes | £18 |
Q3.7 (e) | Outstanding Notices - Highways | £14.40 |
Q3.7 (g) | Outstanding Notices - flood risk management | £14.40 |
Optional CON29 questions (CON29O)
Q16 | Mineral consultation areas | £14.40 |
Q21 | Flood defence and land drainage consents | £14.40 |
Q22.1 | Common land & town/village green | £14.40 |
Q22.2 | Landowner deposit enquiries | £14.40 |
In relation to question 22.2 above, please note that an online register of all maps and statements deposited under section 15A of the Commons Act 2006 and section 31(6) of the Highways Act 1980 is available on the landowner deposits webpage.
Pending applications for the registration for common land or town or village greens - £14.40 (including VAT)
Requests for any pending applications for registration of common land or town or village green under the Commons Act 2006.
Previous applications for the registration for common land or town or village greens which have been withdrawn or rejected - £14.40 (including VAT)
Requests for whether any previous applications for registration of common land, town or village green under the Commons Act 2006 have been withdrawn or rejected.
Pending applications to amend the register for common land - £14.40 (including VAT)
Requests for as to whether any applications have been made to amend the register for common land under the Commons Act 2006.
Accessing raw data
A full list is available on how to access highways records and can be found at highway records.
Changes to the extent of alignment of highway
In certain circumstances it may be possible to 'stop up or divert' highway rights under Section 116 of the Highways Act 1980 or Action 247 and 248 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 leaving an area of private land. You can find more information at highway records.