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Flooding and flood investigations

Under Section 19 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, the County Council investigates flood incidents that meet the threshold set out in our Cambridgeshire Flood Risk Management Strategy. These are:

  • Where there is internal flooding of one property (not including gardens or garages) on more than one occasion.
  • Where there is internal flooding of five or more properties (not including gardens or garages) in a single event. These properties must be situated in close proximity to each other (meaning they have been flooded from the same source or interaction of sources).
  • Where flooding significantly affects the external premises of one or more properties.
  • Where flooding on public roads significantly disrupts the flow of traffic.
  • Where the failure of a significant flood asset has been reported.

Flood investigations map

If the map does not load, please view it on the MapsCambridgeshire website.

Flood investigation reports

Winter 2023/24 investigation

May 2023 investigation

July 2021 investigation

Please see below a summary of the December 2020 rainfall prepared by the Environment Agency.

Winter 2020 investigations

August 2020 investigations

Earlier flood investigations