From 1 October, it will be compulsory for all bird keepers to register their captive birds. Birds kept in the home are exempt from the requirement. This is a change from the current requirement which requires flocks of 50 or more to be registered. This will enable a more comprehensive communications approach in the case of any future instances of Bird Flu, allowing DEFRA to communicate information about new cases and prevention measures to all keepers across the UK. For more information visit
Latest situation
On 25th January, DEFRA introduced a nationwide Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) requiring all bird keepers to adhere to strict biosecurity requirements. This was introduced given increasing numbers of cases of on infection in England and the increased risk of further spread if high levels of biosecurity were not in place.
The new biosecurity requirements can be found here (Schedule 1 applies to all bird keepers and in addition Schedule 2 if you have 500+ poultry or other captive birds)
Its important to note that currently there is no requirement to house birds in Cambridgeshire/Peterborough, although these requirements are in place in other parts of the UK following confirmed cases, and may follow if the risk increases further.
With numbers rising it is vital that you comply with the rules introduced on 1st October to register your birds with DEFRA, even if you just have a couple of hens roaming in the garden. This will enable much speedier communication with you if a case is confirmed in your local area so that you can take steps to protect your birds. It also makes frequent monitoring of the health of your birds really important.
Spotting symptoms
Be aware of the symptoms of Bird Flu and check your birds regularly for these. Advice on symptoms and how to report concerns is on the GOV.UK website.
Symptoms include:
- Swollen head
- Blue discolouration of neck and throat
- Loss of appetite
- Respiratory distress such as gaping beak, coughing, sneezing, gurgling, rattling
- Diarrhoea
- Fewer eggs laid
- Increased mortality
Report disease symptoms in your own birds
If you keep birds and notice possible Bird Flu symptoms, you are legally obliged to report these to DEFRA's Rural Services Helpline on 03000 200301. Bird Flu is classified as a 'Notifiable Disease'.
When and how to report dead wild birds to DEFRA
If you come across:
- One or more dead bird of prey
- Three or more dead gulls or wild waterfowl (swans, geese, ducks)
- Five or more dead birds of any species
You should either:
- Call DEFRA to report the bird(s) on 03459 33 55 77
- Complete DEFRA's online form on the GOV.UK website
DEFRA also welcomes reports of any other species or numbers of dead wild birds.
If you report a dead wild bird, DEFRA and the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) may arrange to collect it and test it. If they are going to do this, it will happen within four days. They collect and test dead wild birds to help explain where Bird Flu is spreading in Great Britain and in which types of birds.
Do not touch or pick up dead or visibly sick birds. It is important that you wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water if you do touch any dead birds, droppings, feathers or material that has touched the dead bird.
For advice on disposing of dead wild birds, whether you are a member of the public or a land owner, please view guidance on removing and disposing of dead wild birds on the GOV.UK website.
Register your stock
Registration is now compulsory for all captive birds. To register, visit the Poultry (including game birds): registration rules and forms on the GOV.UK website. This also aids communication with you in the event of a confirmed case in your locality.
Register for Bird Flu updates
The Animal Plant and Health Agency (APHA) runs a free disease alerts service for bird keepers. This keeps you up to date with the latest Bird Flu developments.
Sign up to receive animal disease alerts from APHA on the GOV.UK website.