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Preventing radicalisation

Keeping our communities safe

Cambridgeshire is a safe county, and the risk of a terrorist incident is low. Most people, in all our communities, need no convincing that terrorism is wrong and want to see it prevented.

In an emergency, or to report a suspected terrorist incident, call the Police on 999.

People at risk of radicalisation in Cambridgeshire

Radicalisation is recognised as a 'safeguarding' issue and will be treated in the same way as other safeguarding processes designed to protect vulnerable people from harm or abuse. We all have a role in ensuring that our communities are kept safe and that individuals who may be at risk of radicalisation can be provided with the help and support they need.

Signs of radicalisation

The following are indicators of radicalisation. While it is possible that all or none may be present for someone being radicalised, they may also indicate another safeguarding concern.

  • Being drawn into to strong principles and ideologies held by others, as a means to control
  • Social network involvement in extremism
  • Being at a transitional time in life
  • Having a need for identity, meaning and belonging
  • Being influenced or controlled by a groups
  • Feelings of grievance and injustice
  • Feeling under threat
  • Displaying mental health concerns
  • A desire for status
  • A desire for excitement or adventure
  • A need to dominate and control other

How to report your concerns

If you have concerns about any of your friends, neighbours or relatives, you can tell us about them by clicking 'Make a referral' on the Cambridgeshire Police website. You can also email the Police Prevent Team -

If you have any concern that a child, young person or adult is at risk of radicalisation you can also contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).

Report any online material promoting terrorism or extremism (GOV.UK website).

Prevent, and Channel programmes

Prevent intervenes early to guide people away from radicalisation, helping them to walk away from extremism. Channel offers further support to people assessed as at risk of radicalisation from the Prevent programme.

Speak to your local policing team about helping to run local events about Prevent.

Get help if you're worried about someone being radicalised

Prevent is a national safeguarding programme that supports people who are at risk of becoming involved with terrorism through radicalisation. Radicalisation means someone is being encouraged to develop extreme views or beliefs in support of terrorist groups and activities.

Prevent is not about catching terrorists, it is about identifying people who are, or may be at risk of radicalisation, and supporting them to change direction in a way that will help them.

The purpose of Prevent is to enlist the support of people in our communities to reach the much smaller minority who may be drawn into terrorism, often through extremist views.

The Prevent strategy has three main objectives:

  • Ideology - to respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it.
  • Individuals - to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support.
  • Institutions - to work with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation that we need to address.

Find out more about the Prevent Programme (

Prevent helps to guide people away from radicalisation, and the dangers it presents.

Some of the help offered through Prevent’s support programme, 'Channel', includes:

  • Mentoring and ideological interventions
  • Mental health support such as counselling
  • Education or career development support
  • Online safety training for parents

Being supported through Channel is voluntary, confidential, and won’t go on someone’s criminal record. Channel is a multi-agency process, involving partners from the local authority, the police, education, health providers and others. 

Find out more about the Channel Programme.