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Adults, Health and Commissioning Directorate

Adults, Health and Commissioning Directorate

Adults, Health and Commissioning provides a number of different services to children, families and adults across Cambridgeshire working alongside partners. These services include:

Delivering support and services and work to improve outcomes for all adults and their carers which includes work related to Learning Disability and Autism, Physical Disability, Sensory Impairment, Mental Health and Older People. Core functions include:

  • Adult Early Help
  • Assistive Technology
  • Community Equipment
  • Reablement
  • Sensory Rehabilitation
  • Assessment and Care Management
  • Discharge planning in hospitals and intermediate care beds
  • Countywide day services
  • Safeguarding
  • Direct Payments - financial assessments / corporate appointees
  • Quality of social work and social care practice
  • Care and repair - housing programmes
  • 0 to 25 and short breaks

Adult Social Care works in partnership with health services and the independent and voluntary sectors and have formally established partnership arrangements for the integrated delivery of social care including the Learning Disability Partnership and the delivery of occupational therapy and mental health support to people with social care needs.

Responsible for commissioning effective, efficient and safe services that represent best value of social care and people services for children, young people, individual adults and their families and carers.

Social care is broadly defined in this instance as the care, protection, support, welfare and advocacy of vulnerable or dependent people, individually or in groups.

Much of the Commissioning Service's work is done in partnership with the adult and children's services, health and the private, independent and voluntary sectors.

Public Health

The responsibility of Public Health in Cambridgeshire is to:

  • understand the health, wellbeing and care needs of our local communities
  • ensure that 'health inequalities' are tackled by improving the health of the poorest members of our community
  • commission preventative public health programmes

Primary public health aims are to ensure action is taken to:

  • protect the health of the public
  • prevent ill-health
  • promote healthy lifestyles
  • provide advice on commissioning of health and care services to meet population needs