Building confidence and skills for future employment and independence
The Support Into Work Programme (SITW) aims to help people with learning disabilities to gain the skills they need to become independent.
By placing learners in an employment environment, the projects aim to build their confidence and skills, preparing them for the world of work.
Tag Bikes - Huntingdon
TAG Bikes is part of Cambridgeshire County Council's supporting into work programme based at Huntingdon Community Centre. TAG Bikes supports adults with disabilities to build employment skills and self-esteem in a team-based workshop for future working careers.
The TAG Bike programme offers training on how to repair, refurbish and service second-hand bikes and aims to help learners develop a wide range of employability, social and life skills whilst improving their confidence and independence.

Ely Community Café
Ely Community Café is a fun and exciting opportunity to learn life and employment skills. We proudly bake a large selection of cakes and savouries which help improve kitchen and cooking skills.
We also encourage life skills such as time management, money handling as well as developing social interaction skills.

Hot Pots Coffee Shop - March
Located in March, Hot Pots Coffee Shop is a part of our Supporting into Work Programme. The cafe is run by people with learning disabilities, who are assisted by Employment Skills Workers. It serves as a dynamic training environment where young adults can gain hands-on experience in a supportive setting.

The cafe has been designed to enhance the young adult's confidence, employment skills, independence, and social skills through a variety of activities. These include working on the till, learning about time management, serving customers and preparing a variety of food and refreshments for customers. Spending time in the cafe prepares volunteers for the world of work and allows them to have a greater involvement in the local community.
To find out more, contact
Other opportunities
We support people to make a positive contribution to the local community by challenging traditional barriers to work opportunities.
We aim to develop strong links in the community by developing partnerships with local employers and organisations.
We help people to get voluntary/paid work placements. Current placements include March library and receptionist work in Cambridgeshire County Council settings. This helps develop confidence, skills and relevant qualifications to move onto further employment.
We also help with CV writing, to aid the job search. Individuals earn time credits for any voluntary work.