Cambridgeshire Virtual School is a team of teachers and dedicated education professionals who work to support the education and improve educational outcomes for all Cambridgeshire children who have or have had a social worker.
This includes a statutory remit for children in care and children previously in care alongside a non-statutory remit for children who are known to a social worker as either children in need or those under child protection plans and those in kinship care.
For further information please visit the Cambridgeshire Virtual School page on our Learn Together website.
This website aims to be a place to access information, advice and guidance, share best practice and gain a complete picture of the multi-agency work which goes on in support of our most vulnerable children and young people.
Contact us
Telephone: 01223 699 883
Sunley House,
Summers Hill Drive,
Papworth Everard,
CB23 3AB
Follow us on X (formerly Twitter) Cambridgeshire Virtual School (@CambsVs) / X