Appealing a school place decision in Cambridgeshire
In Cambridgeshire, we administer admissions appeals on behalf of all maintained schools, including academies. All appeals are held in accordance with the Department for Education's School Admissions Code and the School Admissions Appeal Code. The purpose of these codes is to ensure that the admission appeal panel is independent and that appeals are conducted in a fair, transparent and lawful way.
Own admission Authority Schools that administer their own appeals.
If a School has no against them, if you wish to appeal a request must be made to the local authority.
Please note: Accepting a place at an alternative school does not affect your child’s place on the reserve list for your preferred school(s), or your right of appeal.
Your right to appeal
You are legally entitled to appeal against the Admission Authority’s decision to refuse to comply with your preference. Your letter from the Admission Authority refusing you a place at your preferred school will advise you of this right. There is no charge to parents for appeals.
- You can appeal for places at all schools for which you have applied and been refused a place.
- You are only entitled to submit one appeal per school, per academic year.
- This appeal can be lodged at any time during the year, however appeals lodged by the appropriate deadline are heard within set timescales (see below):
Your appeal will be heard by an independent school admission appeals panel. The panel's decision is binding on all parties: the school, the admission authority and you.
How to apply for an appeal
To begin the appeals process, you will need to complete the appropriate appeal form.
When you complete the appeal form, give as much information as you can. You will also have the opportunity to submit further information before your appeal. (See 'What happens after I submit my appeal form' section).
Making your appeal application
Please make your appeal by completing the following online form:
The appeals process
Further help and advice
If you have any queries relating to the appeals process, please contact Cambridgeshire County Council by email to
If you need support, advice or guidance with the appeals process, please email or visit the Parents’ School Preference Adviser webpage.
Independent advice
- Searching the internet for ‘Admission Appeals a Parent’s Guide’ in your browser.
- Find independent advice at the Department for Education website.
- The Advisory Centre for Education (ACE) provides further information, and some resources to purchase for preparing for appeals.
- Coram Children’s Legal Centre offer free independent Family, Child and Education legal advice.
- Child Law Advice offer information and a downloadable 'how to' guide available to purchase.