Refreshing our approach to the Climate Crisis
Human driven Climate Change is the greatest environmental challenge of our time. Driven by human activities, our climate is changing at an unprecedented pace and scale that threatens all life on Earth. There is an urgent need for stronger and more integrated action. In recognition of the scale of this threat , through a unanimously supported motion we declared a Climate and Environment Emergency in May 2019, which set us on a pathway to securing a sustainable future for our County and its residents.
In 2021 the Joint Administration committed to putting climate change and biodiversity at the heart of the Council’s work and to be more ambitious than ever before about the work needed to tackle the climate and environmental crises.
Climate Change and Environment Strategy 2022
Climate Change is a very real challenge for our communities, businesses and nature. We believe that, as a Council, it is our responsibility to act now. We must: reduce the contribution the county is making towards Climate Change, improve our resilience to the climate change that has already happened, and reduce our impact on the natural environment.
We recognise, and take seriously, the opportunity we have to provide much needed local leadership to tackling the climate crisis in Cambridgeshire. This new Strategy is our commitment to working for and with people, communities, businesses and all political parties to deliver - urgent action across Cambridgeshire. This ambition and our principles will provide a practical framework to guide creativity and collaboration.
Our Strategy is made up of three key documents, all of which can be downloaded below:
Part 1 - Climate Change and Environment Strategy 2022
Part 2 - Technical Report
Part 3 - Action Plan
We have also identified the contributions we as a Council and Cambridgeshire as a region make to greenhouse gas emissions – these are detailed in our Carbon footprints.
We have also identified the biggest contributors to those emissions, and created priority areas upon which we will focus our action. These are split into three themes:
Our priority areas
Actioning our 9 priority areas will help us achieve our targets while maximising the wide reaching benefits of our work.
- Communication and engagement with Businesses and our communities
- New economic models and sustainable finance
- Energy efficient, low carbon buildings
- Low carbon transport – prioritising walking, cycling and public transport, and supporting the uptake of electric vehicles
- Waste and Pollution - Reducing waste, minimising pollution, and rethinking how we deal with the waste we produce
- Green spaces, restoring natural habitats and Beneficial land management
- Peatland - developing understanding of the scale of the challenge and opportunities for management best practice
- Water management, availability and flood risk, to improve water quality while improving resilience to flooding and droughts
- Resilience of our services, Infrastructure and supporting vulnerable people
Sphere of influence
As a Council, we only have direct control over a small proportion of carbon emissions in Cambridgeshire. But with the help of our partners and communities we will be able to make a bigger impact, going faster and further than we are able to alone.
In this strategy, we recognise our sphere of influence, sharing where we can act and where we must work with partners and our communities to bring about change. It defines the levels of action that can be taken across Cambridgeshire and highlights where we must work to bring our communities with us on this transition to net-zero.
Action plan
Accompanying our Strategy is an Action Plan. This sets out the actions we are taking to reach our climate ambitions. The full action plan is available to download below.
We have many other strategies and policies in place that sit beneath the Climate Change and Environment Strategy. These focus on specific work areas, but all aid in the delivery of our ambitions.