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Cambridgeshire Historic Environment Record (CHER)

Cambridgeshire Historic Environment Record (CHER) is the most comprehensive source of information on undesignated heritage assets, archaeological sites and finds in Cambridgeshire. It forms part of a network of Historic Environment Records across the UK. The council currently has over 19000 records held on a computerised database and mapping system (GIS), which can be searched by date, location and type of remains. 

The council holds a wide range of information about the county's archaeology, including:

  • scheduled ancient monuments of national importance
  • listed buildings of special architectural or historic interest
  • the Register of Parks and Gardens
  • standing buildings, monuments and earthworks
  • chance finds (such as small scatters of pottery or finds from metal-detecting)
  • details of excavations, ranging from those of antiquarians in the 19th century to the professionals and local societies of the present day
  • information gained from field surveys (such as artefact scatters and historic landscape features)
  • cropmarks identified from aerial photographs which can indicate the presence of buried ditches or structures
  • documentary evidence (such as windmills and water pumps depicted on historic maps)

A subset of this information can be found on the Heritage Gateway.

National Heritage List for England

The National Heritage List for England (NHLE) is the official and up to date record of all nationally protected historic buildings or sites in England. It contains information on Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments, Registered Parks, Gardens and Battlefields and Protected Wreck Sites.

Extensive Urban Survey

The Extensive Urban Survey project was run in partnership with English Heritage (now Historic England). It aims to ensure that the best archaeological information is available as early as possible in the development process and that the new information generated is fed back into the archaeological record. To date the EUS project has produced detailed assessment reports of the archaeology and history of 28 of the county's towns.

Making an enquiry

It is free to use the CHER for personal and academic research.

CHER is a public record and the council welcomes enquiries from anyone with an interest in Cambridgeshire's past. Before making an enquiry please read the following user guidance and charging schedule.

HET Charging Schedule 2024-25238KBpdf
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Providing the following will allow us to respond to your enquiry more quickly:

  • the area you are interested in (for example a parish or centred on a National Grid Reference)
  • the period you are enquiring about (for example Bronze Age or Medieval)
  • the type of site or find you are interested in (for example Roman villas or Bronze Age hoards)
  • the purpose for which you will be using the information (for example local history study, undergraduate research, desk-based assessment)

Your enquiry will be addressed within 10 working days. A priority search service is available if your request is urgent.

For enquiries or more information please contact HET at or on 01223 728564.