Walking is a relaxed way to get around the County. It's a great way to mix exercise with daily activities. Walking through shortcuts and paths in open areas can be faster and less stressful than driving. You skip parking and traffic. It's ideal for taking children to school, quick grocery trips, or enjoying county trails. The flat terrain and many waterways offer enjoyable routes to explore.
We are working to make walking more accessible. There are plans to improve routes across the County.
Walking routes
Our cycle maps page and the CycleStreets website both provide information about off-road walking.
Most walking routes are on pavements. We aim to improve accessibility in our communities. Our steps include better maintenance, widening where needed, and redesigning crossings. Additionally, we're working to slow down traffic. We're also planning to upgrade busy, urban shared paths. This involves providing separate or wider routes. In rural areas, we plan to build new shared paths. These paths will benefit all active travellers by enhancing connections.
Walking for leisure or exercise
Parks and nature reserves
There are many free to access green spaces across Cambridgeshire. They provide opportunities to get out on foot and connect with nature.
- Cambs Open Space website shares the top 200 parks in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
- Grafham water is England’s third biggest reservoir. There is an accessible 9-mile walking route around the water.
- The Great Fen (Ramsey) is a fantastic place to explore.
Longer distance routes
- Fen Rivers way is a 48 mile walk between Kings Lynn and Cambridge
- Ouse valley Way follows the Ouse as it passes through St Neots, Huntingdon, St Ives, Earith and Ely
- Rothschild Way is a 39 mile route from Wicken Fen to Woodwalton Fen
- Fen Edge Trail is a series of walks, with more routes still to come. Exploring the fens across the County.
National Trust has many recommendations across the County.
What to wear
Walking requires no special equipment or clothes except maybe an umbrella, waterproof or sunhat!
If you are walking further, consider clothing that you can move freely in. Sturdy, supportive footwear is ideal. But most of all you want to be comfortable.
Think about taking a water bottle, applying sun cream, or preparing for wet weather. Take snacks to boost your energy levels and a few plasters in case of blisters. A rucksack is helpful for carrying your essentials. If you are walking in areas of woodland or heath be aware of ticks and Lyme disease (National Trust website).
Walking groups
Starting out?
Wellbeing Walks are sociable groups aimed at those that are less active. Contact a walk leader first before turning up. There are many groups across the County, and they are free to attend.
- Cambridge City wellbeing walks, more details here. Regular wellbeing walks in Abbey, Arbury, Trumpington, Chesterton and Romsey.
- East Cambridgeshire District Council have walking groups across the region.
- Fenland District Council
- Huntingdonshire District Council wellbeing walks, more details here. Regular wellbeing walks in Huntingdon, St Ives, Ramsey and Yaxley.
- South Cambridgeshire District Council wellbeing walks, more details here. Regular wellbeing walks in Bar Hill, Comberton, Hardwick, Melbourn, Milton Country Park, Northstowe, St Neots and Wandlebury.
- Ramblers Wellbeing walks are available across the county.
If you want something a bit longer there are a few local groups to get route ideas and company for your walks.
- Ramblers have several local groups organising walks every week.
- Cambridge Rambling club organise walks in Cambridge and further away.