The A10 stretch of road between Ely and Cambridge is a single carriageway road that links up to Kings Lynn in the North and London in the South. It is extremely busy with public transport, farm traffic, commuters, freight and through-traffic.
Why is it important?
The improvements scheme is an opportunity to address existing and future challenges around capacity and road safety.
- Traffic jams and delays are very common
- Road traffic incidents are frequent
- 11,000 new homes and 14,000 jobs are likely to be created nearby, so the road will get even busier
- Economic performance in the area is constrained
- Carbon emissions and wellbeing of local communities are negatively impacted
What difference will it make?
Improving the A10 is expected to:
- reduce accidents in the area
- improve traffic and delays, both on the A10 and on parallel routes
- help to support new housing and jobs in the area
- create practical and safe cycling and walking routes
- link active travel and public transport
- lay the channels under the road for utilities (water, power, waste, internet) that will be needed in the future
The A10 improvements scheme is an opportunity to support the vision, set out in the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Local Transport and Connectivity Plan (LTCP) (Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority website) to deliver a future in which the region and its people can thrive and in which transport underpins sustainable economic growth.
Who is responsible for delivering the transport scheme?
Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) is responsible for delivering the scheme, supported by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) as project sponsor.
What has happened to date?
Several in-depth studies have been undertaken to understand the various options for improving the A10 corridor. These include:
- highway capacity improvements
- mode-shift options
- improving junctions along the A10
- development of junction and/or carriageway improvement options including active travel and potential public transport measures in varying degrees
In 2020, previous work commissioned by CPCA led to preparation of a Strategic Outline Business Case (SOBC). This proposed seven mainly road-based, highway improvement measures, including both online and offline dual carriageway upgrades, with accompanying routes for cycle/pedestrian ways. These proposed measures were put out to the public in 2020 during a virtual online engagement period. Feedback from that public consultation has helped influence ensuing planning and design.
Since the time of the first public consultation during the Covid-19 pandemic, there have been considerable policy changes in travel behaviour and increased policy emphasis on carbon savings and biodiversity at local, regional and national level. Consequently, it has been necessary to re-evaluate the existing largely road-based options in the context of the latest evidence and policy to test whether they are still the best options for the A10 corridor and surrounding areas.
Where is the project currently?
Work has been undertaken to develop sustainable, lower cost options to those presented in the SOBC, while considering the interface with other local planned developments. A combination of road-based, public transport and active travel-focused packages are now being reviewed by the CPCA.
What is the next stage?
A review of the project to date, including options, packages and policy, is currently underway. Further stakeholder engagement is planned for summer 2025 and updates will be provided as we have more information. On the current timetable, if the project is approved at each stage, work is likely to begin in 2027 and be fully completed in 2031
Get in touch
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Telephone: 0345 045 5212
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Where can I find out more?
See the exhibition boards (opens as a .pdf) from the first public information event held in 2020.