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Annual monitoring report and development scheme

Minerals and Waste Plan Annual Monitoring Reports

Cambridgeshire County Council has produced monitoring reports to assess progress made in the implementation of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Plan, which comprises a Core Strategy (2011) and a Site Specific Proposals Plan (2012). This Plan which was produced jointly by the two authorities covers Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, and therefore in some instances the information that is provided addresses both geographical areas.

This page includes monitoring reports covering the period from July 2011 to end of December 2019.

2018 05 Cambs Annual MR2.46MBpdf
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Annual Monitoring Report 20171.53MBpdf
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Annual Monitoring Report 20181.6MBpdf
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Annual Monitoring Report 2019844KBpdf
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Information is provided on:

  • Aggregate (sand and gravel, and limestone) reserves and sales
  • Progress on mineral sites allocated in the Minerals and Waste Plan
  • Mineral planning applications determined
  • Waste arising and waste trends
  • Waste management capacity
  • Progress on waste management sites allocated in the Minerals and Waste Plan
  • Waste management planning applications determined.

Minerals and Waste Development Scheme

Cambridgeshire County Council is the mineral and waste planning authority and it has a duty to prepare a minerals and waste local plan. Such plans set out the local planning policies by which planning applications for minerals and waste management development will be determined; and looks forward and plans for new minerals and waste management development to support planned growth, and new and existing communities.

A Minerals and Waste Development Scheme is required to set out what local plan(s) will be prepared, and to include the timetable for preparing them. 

The County Council has resolved to prepare a new minerals and waste local plan, which will cover the period to 2036. A Development Scheme has been prepared (see document below). When complete this will replace the adopted Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Core Strategy (Development Plan Document) July 2011, as well as the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Site Specific Proposals Plan (Development Plan Document) February 2012.

Like the existing plans, the new Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Local Plan will be jointly prepared with Peterborough City Council, and will cover both administrative areas. 

Cambs CC MWDS 2017 08 101.1MBpdf
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