Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council adopted the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Local Plan on 28 July 2021.
This page is a historic record of the Examination. It contains links to the evidence base considered during the Public Examination.
View the Adopted Plan on the Minerals and Waste Local Plan page.
Submission Plan
The councils have consulted on a Preliminary Draft Local Plan (May 2018); a Further Draft Local Plan (March 2019) and, more recently, a Proposed Submission Local Plan (November 2019). Views were sought on a range of draft policies, and on the approach the plan should take in guiding mineral and waste management development over the period to 2036. Following these consultations, the councils took all comments into consideration, and have now submitted the plan for independent examination by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State.
The plan which has been submitted (which, as required by law, is the same document as the Proposed Submission Plan) includes a suite of proposed policies to guide the determination of planning applications, and which cover detailed matters such as biodiversity, restoration, traffic and highways, and safeguarding.
The plan also includes allocations for mineral development, largely carried forward from currently adopted mineral sites. No allocations are being proposed for waste management development over the plan period as the plan area has, on the whole, sufficient capacity to manage the forecast waste arising.
Information on the proposed mineral allocations can be found in Policy 2 of the submitted plan and on the Policies Map; in the accompanying Site Assessments; and in the supporting paper Level of Provision and a Spatial Strategy for Minerals (November 2019).
All proposed designations and allocations can be found on the Interactive Policies Map.
The submitted plan is accompanied by supporting documents including a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) Report. This is a mandatory document which incorporates the requirements of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations (2004). It sets out what the councils think the main sustainability issues are, and puts forward a framework, including reasonable alternatives and sustainability objectives, by which the draft plan is assessed.
The submitted plan and the supporting documents which the councils have also submitted to the Secretary of State are largely those which were published for the Proposed Submission consultation, and are available to view below. A separate examination webpage has been published containing all of the information relating to the forthcoming examination. The examination page will be updated periodically and can be found on the Peterborough City Council website.
The Councils have now received the Inspectors Report on the Soundness of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Minerals and Waste Local Plan. The Report is available to view in the Examination Library below, reference E013. Once the Councils have considered the contents of the Report, they will take it to their respective committees for consideration.
Please note: the "last modified" date shown on the following documents relates to the file and not the document. This will change if the file is renamed or moved. Where relevant, the document date is shown as part of the file name.
If the documents do not open in your browser, click the download arrow icon in the top right-hand corner to download and view the document.
Examination Library
You can view all documents relating to the examination in our Examination Library at the links below:
- Core documents (opens Sharepoint folder) - statutory documents required, and central to, the plan-making process
- Primary evidence (opens Sharepoint folder) - technical evidence, research, studies and strategies which directly inform Local Plan policies
- Policy evidence reports (opens Sharepoint folder) - a suite of reports specific to each individual policy and which tell the story of how we prepared each policy
- Secondary evidence (opens Sharepoint folder) - other relevant documents which shaped the plan or informed the policy context - please note we didn't submit these documents
- Examination Library (opens Sharepoint folder) - Inspector's documents and additional documents submitted to the Inspector during the public examination
- Council hearing statements (opens Sharepoint folder) - statements submitted by the councils during the public examination
- Respondents' hearing statements (opens Sharepoint folder) - statements submitted by others during the public examination
Local Development Scheme
In August 2017, both councils updated their respective Local Development Schemes (LDS), which set out the timetable for the production of the new Minerals and Waste Local Plan. The LDSs can be found below (the timetable is the same in both documents).
Statement of Community Involvement
The councils have published Statements of Community Involvement (SCIs). These documents set out how and when each council will consult with people and organisations, and how you can get involved in the plan making process. The latest versions are available below, please note that an SCI is periodically updated.
Keep informed
If you would like to be kept informed of the progress of the new Minerals and Waste Local Plan, please send your contact details to the joint Minerals and Waste Team and we will add you to our consultation database. Please note that we will retain your information until no later than six months after the adoption of the new Plan, at which point your information will be securely deleted. If at any point after providing your contact details, you wish to change your mind then you should inform us using the details below:
Joint Minerals and Waste Planning Team
℅ Peterborough City Council
Sand Martin House
Bittern Way
Fletton Quays
Telephone: 01733 747 474