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Children's Commissioning provider fee change strategy

We recognise that there may be justifiable reasons why a provider is unable to keep fees at an agreed rate. Our Children’s Commissioning Provider Fee Change Strategy aims to achieve the following:

  • We want our providers to deliver services in a sustainable marketplace. Providing value for money, in the long-term.
  • We want to build and develop long term, sustainable, quality provision that is local to Cambridgeshire based SMEs. Working in collaboration to meet the needs of children, in a budget that gives consideration to sufficiency.
  • We want to encourage suppliers to contract with us through compliance. We want to move away from short term arrangements and develop long term contractual relationships using our Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS), Frameworks and Block Contracts.

Request a fee change or uplift

Providers can request a fee change to an existing contract or service commissioned under Children's Services here.

Please complete both application steps below. 

  1. Complete our online Children's Commissioning Fee Change Request form
  2. Download and complete all relevant sections of the Provider Uplift Application Form (BAF). Return by email to It may affect your application if you submit an incomplete form.

Completed requests received by the 1 January each year, if approved, will come into effect from 1 April that year.

Requests received by 1 June each year, if approved, will come into effect from 1 September that year.