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Making an application (in-year school admissions)

We are experiencing a high volume of applications and are processing all as swiftly as possible in date order 

Before applying for a in-year school place

Please ensure you have read our other guidance pages.

These operational PANs may not be included in the spaces available spreadsheet, which is updated weekly. Please call our contact centre to find out the latest update on where there are spaces available in schools.

Name of School


Year Group

Operational PAN

Thorndown Primary School

Single year group



Thorndown Primary School

Single year group



Priory Junior School

Single year group



Vista Academy

Single year group



Westwood Primary School

Single year group



Harston & Newton Primary School

Shared year group (Years 1 & 2)



Harston & Newton Primary School

Shared year group (Years 1 & 2)



St Laurence RC Primary School

Single year group



St Laurence RC Primary School

Single year group



St Laurence RC Primary School

Single year group



St Laurence RC Primary School

Single year group



Ely St John's Community Primary School

Shared year groups (Years 3 & 4)

3 & 4


Fen Ditton Community Primary School

Shared year group (Years 1&2)

1 & 2


The Galfrid School

Single year group



The Galfrid School

Single year group



Wheatfields Primary School

Shared year group (Years 1 & 2)



Wheatfields Primary School

Shared year group (Years 1 & 2)



Wheatfields Primary School

Shared year group (Years 3 & 4)



Wheatfields Primary School

Shared year group (Years 3 & 4)



Wheatfields Primary School

Shared year group (Years 5 & 6)



Wheatfields Primary School

Shared year group (Years 5 & 6)



Wilburton CE Primary School

Single year group



Wilburton CE Primary School

Single year group



Wilburton CE Primary School

Single year group



Wilburton CE Primary School

Single year group



Wilburton CE Primary School

Single year group



Wilburton CE Primary School

Single year group



The Newton Primary School

Shared year group (4,5 & 6)



The Newton Primary School

Shared year group (4,5 & 6)



The Newton Primary School

Shared year group (4,5 & 6)



Beaupre Primary School

Single year group



Beaupre Primary School

Single year group



Ely St Mary CE Junior School

Single year group



"We process more than 5,000 in-year applications a year, with around 3,000 of those between May and August for a place in September. Apply early, use all three preferences, include your catchment school and attached the correct documentation so we can process your application on time" Admissions Team Leader

  • If you are applying under academic or religious grounds, you may also need to complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) and send this to the school so they have it when they receive a request for a school place from us.
  • You will make one application per child and the application will be based on your child’s home address.
  • You should specify three schools, in order of preference. It is strongly recommended that you select your catchment school as one of your three preferences. 
  • Use all three preferences. If you only apply to one school, and there are no places available, we may allocate a school that you would not have chosen. You will also be responsible for getting your child to and from that school.
  • Check that you are not including any schools that process their own in-year admissions as one of your three preferences (see frequently asked questions below).
  • If you are moving, or have moved address, you will need to attach proof of address with your application (see frequently asked questions below).

Frequently asked questions

The application can only be considered from your child’s home address. This is the address where your child will be living when they are allocated a place.

If your child lives at more than one address:

  • their main residence will be where they spend the majority of their school nights (Sunday to Thursday)
  • if they divide their time equally between two addresses further evidence may be required to identify the child's home address

Only one application must be submitted. If more than one application is received, or we are made aware of a dispute between parents, we will place all applications on hold until:

  • one joint application is made, signed by all parties; or
  • written agreement is provided from both parents; or
  • a court order is obtained confirming which parent's application carries precedence

We check home addresses as part of the application process. If an application is found to be fraudulent we will withdraw the place.

If you want an allocation to be made based on your new address, please provide evidence of your address. If a school is full and this is not provided it may affect the schools we are able to offer and the position your child will be placed on any reserve lists.

Proof of address must be in the name of the person making the application.

We require a 'copy' of one of the following documents:

(You can send a digital copy, scan or take a photo of it - file types accepted include: jpeg; pdf; docx; png;).

Your Council Tax bill for the current year

Documents below must be dated within three calendar months

  • A rental agreement for a minimum of six school weeks signed and dated by both the tenant and the landlord
  • A letter from your Solicitor confirming exchange of contracts on the new property you are purchasing stating the full postal address. Preferably with a completion date.
  • If you are moving in with a friend or relative we will need a letter from the friend/relative confirming that you are coming to stay with them (mentioning you all by full name) and we will also need to see a recent utility bill for the friend/relative dated within the last three months.
  • A notice to quit (if returning to a property you own, that is currently tenanted)
  • Current Gas or Electricity Bill
  • Tied/Work Accommodation with letter from employer

We will withdraw school places which have been gained using false information or documentation.

As well as providing proof of your address (see previous question), you will also need to attach a 'copy' of one of the following documents as proof of age. 

  • The child’s birth certificate or
  • The child’s passport (this must be valid) or
  • European Economic Area (EEA) Identity cards

Apply online using our Citizen Portal

Please check spaces available at the top of the page, This is an indication of spaces available at a set date. This information is updated weekly.  Some classes mix year groups so information is provided based on a school Published Admission Number and not class structure in some cases.

  1. If we can meet your first preference, we will offer your child a place at that school.
  2. If we cannot meet your first preference but can meet your second preference, we will offer your child a place at that school. Your child’s name will then be added to the waiting list of your first preference school.
  3. If we cannot meet your second preference, but can meet your third preference, we will offer your child a place at that school. Your child’s name will be added to the waiting list for your first and second preference schools.

If we cannot meet any of your preferences, we will offer your child a place at your catchment school if;

  • you have not already expressed it as a preference; and
  • there are places available at the school.

Alternatively a place will be allocated at the nearest school where a place is available. Your child’s name will be added to the waiting list of all your preferred schools.

"Under no circumstances should you withdraw your child from their current school before an alternative school place has been allocated." Admissions Manager

Accepting your offer for a school place

You will receive your offer by email and by letter (second class post). You can accept your offer through your Citizen Portal account that you used when you applied during round one, or contact the school.

  • You will need to accept the school place that has been offered within ten school days. If you do not want to accept the place please contact the school as soon as possible.
  • If your child’s name is on a school’s reserve list and a place becomes available, you will need to accept the place within five school days.

If a school is oversubscribed and cannot offer your child a place, they will add your child to a waiting list. This means your child may be accepted if a place becomes available.

Children are added to the list in the order of the school's oversubscription criteria. If there are multiple children who meet the same criteria, those who live closest to the school will be higher up the list.

Your child will remain on a waiting list, until:

  • you are offered a place by an independent appeal panel;
  • a place becomes available;
  • you are offered a place at a school you ranked as a higher preference but were previously refused due to oversubscription; or
  • you submit a new application.

Your child’s name will remain on the school’s waiting list until the end of the academic year. You will then need to submit a new application for a place.

Every school has a limited amount of places called the Published Admission Number (PAN). The number of students a school can accept depends on the school's size and layout. Oversubscription criteria are rules on how to offer places when the school receives too many applications.

Different schools use different criteria, for example some prioritise religious belief. Find out more on researching schools and catchments page.

If we have not been able to offer your first preference school, we will send information on the appeals process in your offer letter. We also have a web page explaining our appeals process.

The Fair Access Protocol ensures that vulnerable children get a place as soon as possible. 

Contact the Admissions Team

Telephone: 0345 045 1370

For general queries please see out contact us page