We are currently receiving high levels of In Year applications so please do take time to research current school places to help with your application by accessing ‘Spaces available in Schools’ that is updated weekly on the following page - Making an application (in-year school admissions) | Cambridgeshire County Council
An in-year admission is when you are applying for a school place outside of the ‘normal admissions rounds’.
(Normal admissions rounds are a statutory process where all parents/carers must apply for a place for their child to start school in the school’s 'year of entry' at Primary, or Secondary school).
- An in-year admission could be a move between Cambridgeshire schools, or a move to a Cambridgeshire school from a school in a different county or country.
- To apply for a place at a school outside of Cambridgeshire you will need to apply to the local authority of the new school.
When you can apply
- You can submit an application for a school place up to 30 school days before the intended start date.
- We will email your offer when it has been processed, we aim to process applications within 10-15 school days.
- If we have not received a valid application, or the correct documentary evidence, we will contact you - this may delay your offer.
Before applying please ensure you have read both this page and our Researching schools and catchment area page.
If you require any assistance deciding which school your child should attend, you can contact our School Preference Adviser.
They can help with information and advice on:
- how the transfer and admissions process works
- admission policies and criteria for different schools
- provision for special educational needs
- changing schools during the school year
- the appeals process
- travel issues
Support with choosing a school - Cambridgeshire County Council,
Parents' School Preference Adviser
Email: choosingaschool@cambridgeshire.gov.uk
Telephone: 01223 699033