It is important to be realistic about how likely you are to be offered a place at a school before applying. Get as much information as possible about your preferred schools. Our online directory provides information about Cambridgeshire secondary schools.
What's in the directory
Each school listing in the directory provides:
- published admissions number (PAN). This is the number of pupils who can be admitted to each year group
- over-subscription criteria. This is how we offer places if a school gets more applications than there are places available. It sets out how applications are placed in order depending on which over-subscription criteria you meet
- school contact details including link to school website
- catchment area information. Children who live in a school's catchment area are usually a priority within the over-subscription criteria
- supplementary information form (SIF) if applicable (additional information required for application to certain schools)
- link to the latest Ofsted report and performance data
- link to the previous years' allocation information. This shows how places were offered against the over-subscription criteria, including in previous years
Your child's home address is important when making decisions about home to school distance, or catchments. It is also important that you understand how distance is measured and calculated.
Choosing your preferences
If you live in Cambridgeshire, you can only list three schools on your application in order of preference. If you only apply for one school and your child does not qualify for a place, we will allocate a different school. This could be further from your home address and you may be responsible for getting your child to school.
- Schools do not know whether they were your first, second or third choice, or which other schools you have applied for. That information is confidential before places are allocated. You should list the schools in the order you would like your child to attend.
- If you submit invalid preferences, such as an independent school or a school where the year group you are applying for is not the natural year of entry, these preferences will be discarded. You may not get the opportunity to name other schools in their place.
Please note: Use all three preferences - Naming a single school will not increase your chances of being offered a place there. Your child will be considered for each school separately. If they would be eligible for a place at more than one school they will be offered their highest preference.
Please note: We allocate most of our school places within the first round of applications. Applying late, or changing your preferences after you have an offer, will significantly reduce your chances of getting your preferred school place.
We strongly recommend that you name your catchment school as one of your three preferences. Your catchment school is the school most likely to offer your child a place.
It is also important to think about how you will get your child to and from school every day. The order of your preferences can affect eligibility for free school travel assistance.
If your application is incomplete, or incorrect, it will be delayed. It could also be cancelled. You will need to confirm you have read and understood all three secondary admissions webpages when submitting your application form.
Information for parents
Resources for families | Children's Commissioner for England