In some circumstances, help may be available to enable children to access music making opportunities.
Key information
If a school offers music lessons during school time then:
- children who are looked after by the local authority are eligible for free lessons and supporting resources (e.g. instrument loan)
- children who qualify for pupil support due to their circumstances are eligible to a "remission of costs". This is school funded and at a level determined by them of up to 100%.
If your child wishes to access opportunities outside of school, support may be available from Cambridgeshire Music.
Your rights
Schools should inform parents about their remission schemes for music lessons. Ideally, information about this will be available on the school's website.
Schools may also have extra support available for children identified as "Gifted and Talented".
What you can do
If your child would like music lessons at school, contact the school's music department or music coordinator.
If you are looking for more information about:
- music education opportunities
- support for accessing activities outside of schools
or are unable to get support for your child in school, visit the Cambridgeshire Music website or email