Following planning approval of three large developments on the northwest fringe of Cambridge City, the Council has identified the need for a new 2 form entry (FE)/420 place, mainstream, 4 to 11 mixed primary school at Darwin Green with the proposed opening date under review. There will also be provision on site for Early Years and Childcare for children aged 2-4 years
Discovery Schools Academy Trust
Following a sponsor selection process, the Children and Young People’s Committee on 8 March 2023 endorsed Discovery Schools Academy Trust as the approved sponsor for the new primary school. An executive summary of their bid can be found below.
The recommendation has been given Secretary of State approval under section 6A of the Education and Inspections Act 2006.
Executive summary
Supporting documents
Consultation documents
Alan Fitz (Area Education Officer for Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire
Tel: 07833481566
Alex Brown (0-19 Place Planning & Sufficiency Officer)
Tel: 01223 699795