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New secondary school in North West Cambridge


Following the consultation and sponsor selection process, the Secretary of State appointed Cambridgeshire Meridian Academies Trust (CMAT) as sponsor of the new secondary school to be built on the Darwin Green development to serve this and the North West Cambridge developments.

Due to delays to the housing development, the school is unlikely to open until September 2026.

The secondary school will provide 90 places for Year 7 in its first year of opening. Thereafter, annual admissions will be dependent on numbers coming forward from the two developments up to a maximum of 180 pupils each year into Year 7. The school will increase in size through the addition of a new Year 7 intake annually until the school is providing for all 5 year groups. It is intended that the school will eventually provide 180 places in Year 7 and a total of 900 places (6 Forms of Entry (FE)).

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Alan Fitz
0-19 Place Planning and Sufficiency Officer
Telephone: 01223 715 307