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General health information directory

Organisation Description Websites
NHS NHS website is your first port of call for trusted information about conditions, symptoms and treatments.
Patient Patient Info is an independent UK health website which includes a symptom checker.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) provides evidence-based guidance and advice for the health, public health and social care sectors and practitioners. Their website contains a wealth of knowledge drawing from trusted sources that the general public might also find useful.
NHS Health Check NHS Health Check provides a free health check-up for adults in England aged 40 to 74. It's designed to spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia and help finding ways to lower this risk. You can ask your GP for information.
Healthy You (Cambridgeshire and Peterborough) Healthy You (part of Everyone Health) provides a free service for Cambridgeshire residents and help them make lifestyle changes, such as quit smoking, be more active, and manage weight. Healthy You also offers the NHS Health Checks and provides follow-on specialist support if needed.
Be Well Cambridgeshire Managed by Cambridgeshire County Council Public Health, Be Well Cambridgeshire website contains information about the commissioned health improvement services available to Cambridgeshire residents.
Integrated Contraception and Sexual Health services (iCaSH) The iCaSH website contains information about sexual health and services across our region. There is also information about the C-Card scheme for young people between 13-24 years old.
NHS - Physiotherapy The NHS website gives an overview of physiotherapy, what is it used for, and how to access physiotherapy.
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy - patient information Chartered Society of Physiotherapy website provides comprehensive information about the common conditions requiring exercises and physiotherapy, with some videos demonstrating helpful exercises.
British Red Cross - First Aid The British Red Cross offers first aid course. Their website contains videos, step-by-step instructions and a free first aid app showing simple first aid skills to apply in an emergency.
NHS – Your medicine cabinet

Be prepared for common health problems by keeping a well-stocked medicine cabinet at home.

This webpage provides a list of items recommended by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society to help you deal with most minor health problems and illnesses.
NHS App The NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet. You can also search trusted NHS information and advice on conditions and treatments, and get instant advice or medical help near you.

Travel Health Pro

Travel Health Pro is a website with travel health resources. You can find what vaccinations you may need, country-specific information and travel advice. This website is provided by the National Travel Health Network and Centre (NaTHNaC) and commissioned by UK Health Security Agency.

NHS – Visiting or moving to England

This NHS webpage explains how to access NHS services in England if you are visiting or moving to England from abroad.

NHS - Health information in other languages 

This NHS webpage explains how to use Google Translate to read the NHS website in other languages. It also provides links to health resources in other languages.

Organisation Description Website

NHS - when to call 999

Call 999 in a medical emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured in an accident and their life is at risk.

999 BSL UK Emergency Video Relay Service

999 BSL is an emergency Video Relay Service for Deaf British Sign Language users to contact the emergency services through a BSL interpreter.  You can access this service through the website or download the 999 BSL app. 

NHS - when to go to A&E

An A&E department (also known as accident and emergency department or casualty) deals with genuine life-threatening emergencies. This NHS webpage gives a list of conditions that need to be treated in an A&E.

Major hospitals with A&E in our region

Here are links to:
- Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge (with A&E)
- Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Huntingdon (with A&E)
- Peterborough City Hospital, Peterborough (with A&E)
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King's Lynn (with A&E)

Hinchingbrooke Hospital | NW Anglia Website (

Peterborough City Hospital | NW Anglia Website (

NHS - when to use 111

NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do. Simply call 111. Or go on website at (for people aged 5 and over only). NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

NHS 111 – British Sign Language (BSL) Service

SignVideo is a remote interpreting company offering Video Relay Services, Video Remote Interpreting and BSL/English Translation Services. Using your computer and webcam, or the SignVideo app on your smartphone or tablet, you make a video call to a BSL interpreter.

The interpreter telephones an NHS 111 adviser and relays your conversation with them. Calling NHS 111 using SignVideo is free.

NHS - When to use minor injury unit

You can go to an urgent treatment centre if you need urgent medical attention, but it's not a life-threatening situation. This NHS webpage contains a list of conditions that can be treated at an urgent treatment centre.

Minor Injury Units in Cambridgeshire

There are 3 minor injury units in Cambridgeshire which provide treatment for patients whose minor injuries or illness do not require the A&E care. You can find the conditions described on the CPFT website.

NHS - How your pharmacy can help Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals who can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for a range of minor illnesses. They have the knowledge and skills to identify more serious symptoms and advice on the right medical help you would need.

NHS 111 – and select the mental health option - Help in a mental health crisis

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need help, call NHS 111 – and select the mental health option. 

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) website has information about how to find help in a mental health crisis and when there is a risk of physical harm.

NHS Dental Health Care (East of England)

Dental Health Care (East of England) provide urgent dental care service for adults and children. Find information about their services and clinics on their website.

Organisation Description Website
Mencap - health information Mencap is a charity supporting people with a learning disability and their families and carers. Their website provide health information in Easy Read. There is a template of 'Hospital Passport' people can download, fill in information and create their own record to help managing their health and communicating with the health professionals.

Easy Health Easy Health provides information accessible to anyone with low literacy levels, including people with learning disabilities.
Health Education England - Health information for the public Health Education England's Knowledge and Library Services provide reliable information to the health professionals and the general public.

Accessible Formats - (

Voice Ability - Health advocacy information in Easy Read The independent advocacy organization Voice Ability has advocacy information in Easy Read format.
Marie Curie Marie Curie, the national charity offering care and support through terminal illness, has Easy Read information booklets free to download from their website.
Books Beyond Words  Books Beyond Words is a charity publishing wordless picture books to support people with cognitive or communication difficulties and professionals who provide care and services. Their website offers some free downloads about health.

Zanzu - My body in words and images (and other languages)

The Zanzu website has information on sexual health subjects in simple terms, images and other languages. The website is a project of the German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) and Sensoa, the Flemish Expertise Centre for Sexual Health. Please be aware that some of the information is specifically about services in Germany and may not be suitable for patients in the UK.

Information for migrants and international students

Organisation Description Website

NHS – Visiting or moving to England

The NHS website contains information and advice for people who are planning to visit or move to England. It explains how to access NHS services in England and who do not need to pay for NHS treatment.
Migrant Health Guide - NHS entitlements in England

Anyone in England can register with a GP practice and receive primary care services free of charge irrespective of their nationality or immigration status. It is not a requirement to provide proof of an address, proof of ID, or proof of immigration status to register at a GP practice.

This applies to everyone, including:

  • people who are visiting from overseas
  • asylum seekers
  • refugees
  • people who are homeless

This Gov.UK webpage is for healthcare practitioners, but can also be useful to migrants and people assisting vulnerable migrants and migrant children.

Follow the YouTube link to a short video explaining the entitlements to NHS services for migrants in England.

Entitlements to NHS services for migrants in England - YouTube

Migrant Health Guide - Vulnerable migrants and migrant children

Most migrants to the UK come to work or study and are young and healthy. However, certain groups of migrants are particularly vulnerable to potential health needs, including:

  • asylum seekers and refugees
  • unaccompanied children
  • people who have been trafficked
  • undocumented migrants (those who are living in the UK with no legal status)
  • low paid migrant workers

These two Gov.UK webpages are for healthcare practitioners but can also be useful to migrants and people assisting vulnerable migrants and migrant children.

Both webpages contain links to other resources and organizations assisting and supporting vulnerable migrants.

Information for international students - UK Council for International Student Affairs UKCISA website provides information to international students on how to access health care and how the UK medical system works.
Doctors of the World - Translated health information for patients Doctors of the World is an independent humanitarian movement working at home and abroad to empower excluded people to access healthcare. They run clinic and advocacy programmes in London that provide medical care, information and practical support to excluded people such as destitute migrants and people with no fixed address. Their website provides health information on other languages.

NHS - Health information in other languages

This NHS webpage explains how to use Google Translate to read the NHS website in other languages. It also provides links to health resources in other languages.

NHS services and choices

Organisation Description Website
NHS Services The NHS website provides information about hospitals, GPs, mental health services, pharmacies, opticians, dentists, sexual health services, etc. You can also find services near you by putting in a postcode or the name of the town.
NHS - How your pharmacy can help Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals who can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for a range of minor illnesses. They have the knowledge and skills to identify more serious symptoms and advice on the right medical help you would need.
Major hospitals in our region Here are links to:
- Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge (with A&E)
- The Rosie Hospital, Cambridge (maternity hospital)
- Royal Papworth Hospital, Cambridge (specialist hospital for heart and lung conditions)
- Hinchingbrooke Hospital, Huntingdon (with A&E)
- Peterborough City Hospital, Peterborough (with A&E)
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King's Lynn (with A&E)

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT) provides mental health and specialist services in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Their website provides information for various services. People aged 17 and over with common mental health problems can self refer to the Psychological Wellbeing Service. There is also information about how to find help in a crisis.

Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust NHS Cambridgeshire Community Services manage various community hospitals, medical centres and clinics in Cambridgeshire. They provide a range of services, including children, young people and families services, physiotherapy services, sexual health services and dental care service.

NHS dental services This NHS webpage gives information about NHS dental services, how to find an NHS dentist and how much treatment costs.

Dental Choices – Helping you find an NHS dentist Dental Choices website provides an up-to-date list of local dental practices accepting new NHS patients and guides on various topics.

NHS Dental Health Care (East of England) Dental Health Care (East of England) provide services for adults and children who cannot receive dental care from a general dentist. The service also offer minor oral surgery and treatment under sedation. You can find their clinics and information about the urgent dental care service on their website.

Dynamic Health - Physiotherapy provided by Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust Dynamic Health is an NHS service providing physiotherapy across Cambridgeshire. On their website, you can find information about how to self refer to their service and advices on conditions involving muscles, nerves, joints and pelvic health. There are many leaflets about various exercises available to download.
Integrated Contraception and Sexual Health services (iCaSH) Integrated Contraception and Sexual Health services are provided by Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust.

End of life care

Organisation Description Website
NHS - information about end of life care This NHS website provides information for people who are approaching the end of their life, people who want to plan in advance for their own end of life care, or people who are caring for someone who is dying.
Arthur Rank Arthur Rank Hospice supports people living in Cambridgeshire with an advanced serious illness or a life-limiting condition and those in need of end-of-life care.
Sue Ryder - Thorpe Hall Hospice Sue Ryder is a charity supporting people who are living with a terminal illness or a neurological condition and offering family and bereavement support to people who have lost someone. The charity's Thorpe Hall Hospice offers services to people in Peterborough and nearby areas.

East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) offer care and support for children and young people as well as their families at home or in the hospice.
Marie Curie The national charity Marie Curie provides practical information and support on all aspects of life with terminal illness, dying and bereavement. You will find comprehensive information on their website, including a list of useful contacts to other services and support.


Organisation Description Website
NHS - Pregnancy The NHS website explains what you need to know about trying for a baby, pregnancy, labour and birth.
Better Health – Start for Life

Better Health – Start for Life website provides trusted advice during pregnancy, birth and parenthood.

It provides essential guides about being pregnant and lots of free tools for having a healthy, happy baby.

Rosie Hospital - Patient Information Leaflets As part of Cambridge University Hospitals, Rosie Hospital provides maternity services in Cambridge. Their website provides patient information leaflets free to download.
Public Health England - Screening tests offered during pregnancy Public Health England (PHE) created this information on behalf of the NHS about the screening tests offered to pregnant women and their babies. There is a short animation, available with subtitles and British Sign Language, showing the screening tests offered during pregnancy and after the baby has been born.
National Childbirth Trust (NCT) Natural Childbirth Association provides support to expectant parents from the beginning of pregnancy through to their child’s second birthday. It provides information, courses and workshops, helpline services and a support network of branches and local groups.

Owned and run by the NHS, the NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.


Organisation Description Website

Better Health – Start for Life

Better Health – Start for Life website provides trusted advice during pregnancy, birth and parenthood.

It provides an essential guide from breastfeeding to childhood vaccinations, with free tools to help keep babies and toddlers happy and healthy.

NHS – tips for new parents

These NHS webpages provide a quick guide to everything you need to know about caring for your new baby during the early weeks, and how to keep yourself fit and healthy.

NHS Cambridgeshire Community Services - Children and Young People's Services NHS Cambridgeshire Community Services have all the information about their children and young people's services in one place with accessibility features in this website. They provide essential services as well as specialised therapy. You will also find helpful information regarding children and young people's emotional health, including links to other support. Their telephone number 0300 029 50 50, Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, provides a single point of contact for parents and young people to access their services.
NHS Cambridgeshire Community Services - 0-19 Healthy Child Programme The 0-19 Healthy Child Programme is provided by the NHS community service's health visiting teams and school nursing teams. It is a steadfast support for children from 0 to 19 years old and their parents. There is also the Family Nurse Partnership programme for first time Mums aged 19 years and under, which enlists the strengths of the young person and encourages young parents to fulfil their aspirations for their baby and themselves.

NHS – Healthy Start scheme

Healthy Start is a benefit scheme to help women who are pregnant or with a child under 4 to buy food and milk. Visit their website to find out who are eligibility and how to apply.

NHS - Vaccinations The NHS website has comprehensive information about childhood vaccination and advice for parents.
The Lullaby Trust The Lullaby Trust raises awareness of sudden infant death syndrome and provide advice on safer sleep for babies.
Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) Child Accident Prevention Trust website offers comprehensive advice on child safety with free resources and online publications to download. 
British Red Cross - First aid for babies and children The British Red Cross offers first aid course. Their website contains videos, step-by-step instructions and a free first aid app showing simple first aid skills to apply in an emergency.
Oral Health Foundation Oral Health Foundation provide information about children's teeth and advice on dental care for mother and baby.

Prenatal and postnatal mental health support 

Organisation Description Website
Pre And Post Natal Depression Advice and Support (PANDAS) Pre And Post Natal Depression Advice and Support (PANDAS) offer support and advice to any parent who is experiencing a perinatal mental illness. They also provide information and guidance to family member and carers. They manage a telephone and email helpline service and provide information about support groups.
CPSL Mind - supporting new mums CPSL Mind, the local branch of the national mental health charity Mind, offers courses to pregnant women and new mums in looking after their mental health. They also have volunteer-led peer support groups to keep mums connected and encourage sharing skills. CPSL Mind
Tommy's Tommy's is a charity which fund researches, provide information about pregnancy from planning for pregnancy through pregnancy and after birth. They also offer a range of resources, tools and services for families who experience baby loss or premature birth.
Association for Postnatal Illness (APNI) Association for Postnatal Illness is a charity provides support to mothers suffering from post-natal illness.
Sands Sands is the stillbirth and neonatal death charity which funds research and provides bereavement support services through a helpline, a mobile app, online community and a network of local support groups.
Petals Petals is a charity providing specialist counselling after baby loss.

Family planning

Organisation Description Website
NHS - the contraception guide The NHS website gives practical information about contraception and provides answers to questions often asked.
Sexwise website - Family Planning Association Sexwise is an information website created by the Family Planning Association. It contains topics on planning a pregnancy, contraception, sexually transmitted infections, unplanned pregnancy and sexual wellbeing.
Integrated Contraception and Sexual Health services (iCaSH) The iCaSH website contains information about contraception and services across our region. There is also information about the C-Card scheme for young people between 13-24 years old.

NHS - IVF The NHS website has the information about "in vitro fertilisation" (IVF) treatment available to help people with fertility problems have a baby.

Cornerstone - pregnancy advice centre

Cornerstone is a local charity offering non-directive information and ongoing support to women who are in Cambridgeshire facing an unplanned pregnancy or having had an abortion.

Zanzu - My body in words and images

The Zanzu website has information on sexual health subjects in simple terms, images and other languages. The website is a project of the German Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) and Sensoa, the Flemish Expertise Centre for Sexual Health. Please please be aware that some of the information is specifically about services in Germany and may not be suitable for patients in the UK.


Organisation Description Website
NHS - Cancer The A - Z on the NHS website has lots of information relating to cancer with links to more detailed information on many specific types of Cancer.
Cancer Research UK As well as raising funds for research, Cancer Research UK also provides information about the disease and how to manage the symptoms and side effects of treatments. They have an online forum and run a nurse helpline during weekdays.
Macmillan Cancer Support Macmillan Cancer Support offers emotional, practical and financial support to cancer patients and their family. They provide comprehensive information and guides, and run a helpline which opens 7 days a week.
Marie Curie Marie Curie is a national charity providing care and support through terminal illness including cancer.
Blood Cancer UK Blood Cancer UK offers information on different types of blood cancer. They have produced info booklets available to download from their website.

Brainstrust Brainstrust is a national charity helping people with a brain tumour
Breast Cancer Now Breast Cancer Now is a charity offering information and specialist support to anyone affected by breast cancer or with queries about breast health. They run a helpline, provide online information resources, including publications in other languages.
The Eve Appeal The Eve Appeal is a national charity funding research and raising awareness into the five gynaecological cancers – womb, ovarian, cervical, vulval and vaginal. They offer information and support for those affected by gynaecological cancers.
Orchid - fighting male cancer Orchid is a national charity promoting awareness of male cancers, including testicular, prostate and penile cancers.
Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) CCLG is a charity supporting children who live through childhood cancers.
Other charities related to youth cancer CCLG website contains information about other cancer organizations offering support to young cancer patients.
Other cancer charities Marie Curie website contains a list of other charities providing information and support related to specific cancers.

Dementia and Alzheimer's

Organisation Description Website
Alzheimer's Society Alzheimer’s Society is the UK’s leading dementia charity. They support people living with dementia and their carers and operate a Dementia Connect helpline. You can search for local support, services and social activities via their website, and find a whole range of information factsheets to download.

Dementia UK Dementia UK provides detailed information with leaflets available to download on their website. Their runs a helpline service with dementia specialist nurses, offering advices on all aspects of dementia and emotional support to people with dementia and their carers.
Lewy Body Society Dementia with Lewy bodies, or Lewy body disease, shares symptoms with Alzheimer’s disease and with Parkinson’s disease. The Lewy Body Society aims to raise awareness and to support people living with this disease and their carers.
Alzheimer's Research UK Based in Cambridge, Alzheimer's Research UK is one of the leading dementia and Alzheimer’s disease research charities. The website contains information about dementia and living with dementia, as well as information about how to be involved in their research.
Dementia Compass Dementia Compass is a Cambridgeshire-based non-profit organisation that organize specially considered activities and events for people with dementia and their families.
Dementia Carers Count Dementia Carers Count is a charity supporting family carers and friends who look after someone with dementia. They offer free courses to help carers developing skills and building confidence. Their events provide an opportunity for carers to meet and connect with people in a similar situation.
NHS England - Dementia NHS England website aims mainly at primary care and health professionals as target audience. It contains guidance and resources about diagnosis and care planning for people living with dementia, which might be helpful for patients and their carers.


Organisation Description Website
Diabetes UK Diabetes UK campaign for and support everyone affected by diabetes, work to prevent Type 2 diabetes and fund research.

Diabetes UK Huntingdonshire Group Diabetes UK's local group in Huntingdonshire has it's own webpage. Overview - Diabetes Uk Huntingdonshire - NHS
NHS - Diabetes NHS website provides information relating to diabetes including information on, Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, diabetes in pregnancy, diabetic eye screening, etc.
NHS England - Diabetes NHS England website aims mainly at primary care and health professionals as target audience. It contains information about Diabetes Prevention Programme, treatment and care programme, and digital innovations to support people with diabetes and help people reduce the chances of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Heart and circulatory conditions

Organisation Description Website
British Heart Foundation The British Heart Foundation provide information and works with people to reduce the risk of heart disease and how to live with heart disease.
NHS - Heart Diseases The A-Z on the NHS website has information relating to heart disease including heart attack and heart failure.
Stroke Association Stroke Association provides specialist support, fund critical research and campaign to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support to rebuild their lives.
NHS - Stroke NHS website provides information about stroke including symptoms, causes, diagnosis, treatment, recovery and prevention.
Cambridge Stroke Group Cambridge Stroke Group is a support group for stroke survivors in Cambridgeshire.
Blood Pressure UK Blood Pressure UK is a charity dedicated to raising awareness and lowering high blood pressure in order to prevent death and disability from stroke and heart disease.


Organisation Description Website
NHS - HIV and AIDS HIV is a virus that damages the body's immune system, while AIDS is a name for a collection of illnesses caused by this virus. The NHS website gives comprehensive information from the causes to prevention. With an early diagnosis and effective treatments, most people with HIV will not develop any AIDS-related illnesses.
Integrated Contraception and Sexual Health services (iCaSH) The iCaSH clinics in our region provide sexual health services and HIV care and treatments.
Terrence Higgins Trust Terrence Higgins Trust provides information about HIV, offers HIV testing services and supports people affected by HIV.
Starts With Me Starts With Me is a campaign website set up by Terrence Higgins Trust. It provides information about HIV testing and about PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) - a pill HIV-negative people can take to protect themselves from HIV.
DHIVERSE DHIVERSE is a sexual health charity based in Cambridge, offering services including HIV support, sexual health education, training and information around Cambridgeshire and in Peterborough.
National AIDS Trust The UK charity provides information about HIV, promote HIV rights and campaigns to end stigma.

Parkinson's Disease

Organisation Description Website
NHS - Parkinson's Disease The A-Z on the NHS website has lots of information relating to Parkinson's Disease including information on: overview; symptoms; causes; diagnosis; treatment; and living with the disease.
Parkinson's UK Parkinson's UK offer expert advice for people affected by Parkinson's Disease. They offer tips for staying healthy at home, support from specialists and a helpline service. Their website contains links to local support advisors and groups.
Parkinson's UK - Cambridge branch The Cambridge branch of Parkinson UK covers a wide area and tries to fulfil the aims of Parkinson's UK locally.


Organisation Description Website
NHS - Health A to Z NHS website contains an A to Z list of conditions, treatments and procedures, and an A to Z list of medicines explaining their uses and side effects.

Versus Arthritis Versus Arthritis is a charity supporting people with arthritis. They run a helpline and their website provides in-depth information about conditions, treatments and exercise for different types of arthritis and body pains. It also has branches and groups in local areas.

Arthritis Action

Arthritis Action is a national charity helping people living well with arthritis. Their website provides information about different types of arthritis and self-management resources with factsheets and videos. The charity also offers membership programmes, events and webinars.

Allergy UK Allergy UK is a national patient charity providing support, advice and information for people living with all types of allergy. Their website provides comprehensive factsheets free to download.
Asthma UK Asthma UK is a charity that provides information about asthma and gives support, including a telephone helpline, to people affected by asthma.

Bladder & Bowel UK The Bladder & Bowel UK is a charity aiming to raise awareness and improve solutions to bladder and bowel problems. Their website provide information resources for adults, children and professionals.
Ear, Nose, Throat UK ENT UK is the professional membership body representing Ear, Nose and Throat surgery and its related specialities in the UK. Their website contains detailed information about ear, nose throat conditions and procedures for patients.
Epilepsy Action Epilepsy Action offers information and support to people affected by Epilepsy. The charity also runs virtual support group and a helpline.
Eye Care Trust Eye Care Trust is a registered charity aims to raise awareness of all aspects of eye health and the importance of regular eyecare. Their website provides information about eye conditions and treatments, as well as a guide to healthy sight. Eyecare Trust
Guts UK Guts UK is a charity providing expert, evidence-based patient information on a range of digestive diseases and symptoms.
Headway and Headway Cambridgeshire Headway is a national charity supporting people after a brain injury. There is a local Headway which is based in Cambridge.

Huntington's Disease Association Huntington's Disease Association provides advice, support and information, and includes a specialist Huntington’s Disease advisory service and youth engagement service.
Infectious Diseases A to Z - website provides A to Z list of detailed information about infectious diseases with government guidelines.
Kidney Care UK Kidney Care UK provides advice, counselling support, advocacy service and financial assistance to people living with kidney conditions and treatments. Their helpline opens Monday to Friday.
British Liver Trust British Liver Trust provides information about liver health, liver conditions and cancer. They have publications free to download and they offer support through helpline, online community and support groups.
British Lung Foundation British Lung Foundation offers online information about lung health. They also give supports through their helpline, support groups and online community to people who are living with a lung condition such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Asthma + Lung UK
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) | Asthma + Lung UK
Lupus UK LUPUS UK is the national registered charity supporting people with systemic lupus and discoid lupus and assisting those approaching diagnosis.
Macular Society Macular Society website contains information about macular disease, its conditions, diagnosis and treatment. The charity offer information and advice to people affected by macular disease and their family. They have support groups across UK and they also provide a telephone counselling service.
Meningitis Now Meningitis Now is the charity raising awareness of meningitis and supporting people who are affected by meningitis and septicaemia. Their website contains information about the diseases, symptoms and vaccines, as well as available support with recovery and after effects. They run a helpline and email enquiry service.
Meningitis Research Foundation Meningitis Research Foundation funds research projects about meningitis and supports people and families affected by the disease. Their website provides information about the diseases and after effects, with factsheets and guides to download. They manage a helpline and a befriending programme.

NHS - Menopause This NHS webpage gives an overview about menopause.

Motor Neuron Disease Association Motor Neuron Disease Association (MND Association) provide support to people living with or affected by motor neurone disease. Their website contains information for people with MND and their carers and family. The charity has a branch in Cambridgeshire.

Multiple Sclerosis Society Multiple Sclerosis Society provides a wide range of information, care and support, research and campaigns regarding MS. They offer support online and a helpline. You can also find local services and groups on their website.
NHS - Multiple Sclerosis The A-Z on the NHS website has lots of information relating to Multiple Sclerosis including information on: Overview; Symptoms; Causes; Diagnosis; Treatment; Living with
Oral Health Foundation Oral Health Foundation website provides an A-Z list of oral health information.

Royal Osteoporosis Society Royal Osteoporosis Society promotes bone health and supports people with osteoporosis. They provide a helpline service and offer patient information on their website with leaflets available to download.
British Pain Society British Pain Society website gives information about available support for people living with pain, has a suggested reading list and links to other organizations for further information.

Pain Concern Pain Concern is a charity working to support and inform people with pain and those who care for them. They have a helpline service, host an online forum, and provide information leaflets free to download.
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy - patient information Chartered Society of Physiotherapy website provides comprehensive information about the common conditions requiring exercises and physiotherapy, with some videos demonstrating helpful exercises and advices on how to manage your pain from home.
NHS - Sexual Health NHS website gives comprehensive information about sexual health, STIs and advice and support.
Integrated Contraception and Sexual Health services (iCaSH) The iCaSH website contains information about sexual health and services across our region. It also has information about the C-Card scheme for young people between 13-24 years old.

Sexwise website Sexwise website contains information on planning a pregnancy, contraception, sexually transmitted infections and sexual wellbeing.
Terrence Higgins Trust - Sexual Health Terrence Higgins Trust provides information about STIs and sexual health, including sexual health for trans and non-binary people.
Brook - sexual health for young people Brook is a sexual health charity for young people. Their website contains information, advice and real stories on subjects of contraception, STIs, gender, sexuality, relationships, etc.
The UK Sepsis Trust The UK Sepsis Trust aims to raise awareness of sepsis (also known as blood poisoning) and offers support to people who are affected by sepsis and their family and carers.

Sickle Cell Society The Sickle Cell Society supports and represents people affected by sickle cell disorder to improve their overall quality of life. The Society offers information and a helpline support.
Skin Health Info - British Association of Dermatologists The Skin Health Info website is designed by the British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) to provide information and advice to people living with a skin condition. The main BAD site aims mainly at health professionals but contains a list of national, regional and local patient support groups for people with skin disease.

British Thyroid Foundation British Thyroid Foundation website provides information about all thyroid conditions, symptoms and treatments, as well as films about patient experiences.

Patients rights

Organisation Description Website
Patients Association The Patients Association is an independent patient charity campaigning for improvements in health and social care for patients. Their national helpline provides specialist information, advice and signposting to help you make sense of health and social care system. You can also find a range of information on their website, such as:
- Make the most of your GP appointment
- Understanding your medicines
- Making a complaint
- Planning for your future care
- Information for patients thinking about using private healthcare

NHS - What to ask your doctor This NHS website offers useful tips to help you prepare for your health appointment with a GP, a specialist consultant in hospital, or for a mental health assessment.
NHS - Consent to treatment This NHS website explains what consent to treatment means, what might affect a person's capacity to give consent, and children and young people can also give their own consent if they have enough competence in understanding what's involved in their treatment.
NHS - your NHS choices and your health records The NHS website explains what your choices in the NHS are, how to access your health records, and how to make a complain.
NHS - Help with health costs The NHS website has information about different schemes to help you pay towards NHS care.
NHS - Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) Patient Advice and Liaison Service, based in hospitals, provides immediate assistance to patients and families by sharing information about the NHS hospitals' services, advising treatment options, and negotiating resolution of problems or complaints.
NHS England - How to contact NHS NHS England commissions primary care services, including dentists and opticians. They can advise you how to access services, give feedback or make a complaint about their commissioned services.
Healthwatch Healthwatch is the independent watchdog organization monitoring health services and care services in England. They do not advocate on behalf of individual patients, but they communicate with patients and service providers with an aim to improve health care services. They also provide information to members of the public about local services and signpost people to the right support. You can find out more about your local Healthwatch on Healthwatch Cambridgeshire website.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) website has a section specially for the general public. It contains advises on what you should expect of the health and care services, and what you could do when making decisions with the professionals for your treatment and care. They also welcome public involvement in working together to develop professional guidance and quality standards.

Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) - The Yellow Card Scheme Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is the watchdog organization for medicine safety in the UK. They manage the Yellow Card Scheme which allows patients, carers and health professionals to report suspected side effects from a medicine, vaccine or medical device.

NHS Constitution for England - Gov.UK

The government guidance on Gov.UK explains principles and values of the NHS in England, and provide information on how to make a complaint about NHS services. In You can also find an Easy Read version and related content on this webpage.

Patient advocacy

Organisation Description Website
VoiceAbility VoiceAbility is an independent advocacy organization offering support to individuals or families in accessing health services or challenging decisions made by health care services or authorities. They operate a helpline and offer services in various regions across the UK including Cambridgeshire.

Disability Cambridgeshire - Advocacy Factsheet Disability Cambridgeshire is a charity for disabled people, their families and their carers with information and helpline support. Their website contains a factsheet about advocacy. You will find a list of organizations which provide advocacy for people with disability, as well as older people and people living with mental health conditions.
Mind - Advocacy in mental health The mental health charity Mind has a webpage explaining what advocacy is and in what circumstances one may be legally entitled to a professional advocate.
National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS) NYAS offers individual advocacy and a range of information, advice and support to children and young people. They ensure that a young individuals' views, wishes and feelings are respected and their voice are heard when decisions are being made about them regarding social care or mental health care.
Get Your Rights Get Your Rights is a website provided by The National Children's Bureau (NCB) and The Council for Disabled Children (CDC), which helps to explain to children and young people their rights when using the NHS.