Care and support information directory
Find an overview of all Cambridgeshire County Council adult services, children's social care and support to young people.
Adult social care
Organisation | Description | Website |
Cambridgeshire Guide to Independent Living (E-book) |
The Cambridgeshire Guide to Independent Living contains a host of useful information about staying independent, safe and well in Cambridgeshire as well as listings of all care homes, nursing homes and home care providers in the wider area. |
https://www.carechoices.co.uk/publication/cambridgeshire-guide-to-independent-living/ |
CCC - Types of support | Most people will never need residential care. If you are starting to struggle with day to day tasks there are steps you can take to remain independent and active. Those with the highest levels of need may need some personal care. | https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/adults/organising-care-and-support/types-of-support |
NHS | If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, this website explains your options and where you can get support. | https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/ |
AGE UK | Age UK have produced a Factsheet on "How to get care and support" | https://www.ageuk.org.uk/globalassets/age-uk/documents/factsheets/fs41_how_to_get_care_and_support_fcs.pdf |
Independent Age |
Independent Age runs a helpline and provides support and advice to older people. Their website has guides and factsheets full of information including accessing care services. |
https://www.independentage.org/get-support https://www.independentage.org/get-advice/advice-guides-factsheets-leaflets |
Care Choices | Care Choices is a specialist provider of information about care and support for older people and the specialist care of adults with additional needs (aged 18-64). | https://www.carechoices.co.uk/ |
Care Choices | Care Choices has detailed information covering all aspects of social care support | How to get Social Care | Care Information | Care Choices |
Council's Social Care Assessment | People with significant needs, unable to carry out basic personal care or domestic routines, might require support from social care services. They might be asked to have a care needs assessment. To find information about social care assessments visit | https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/adults/organising-care-and-support/care-needs-assessment |
Contact the Councils Adult Social Care Services | To contact the Adult Social Care Services online, fill the online form with relevant details. Or call 0345 045 5202 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday). | https://cambridgeshire-self.achieveservice.com/service/Adult_Services_contact_form |
Care Quality Commission | The Care Quality Commission are the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England. It's their job to make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and works with care services to improve. Use this to check out a care service you are considering to use or are presently using. | https://www.cqc.org.uk/ |
Which? | Lots of tips and useful information to look out for when choosing a Home Care provider. | Home care services for older people - Which? |
Patients Association | Has a detailed section giving information on the Social Care process | https://www.patients-association.org.uk/adult-social-care |
MENCAP | Has a detailed section giving information on the Social Care process | https://www.mencap.org.uk/advice-and-support/social-care |
Organisation | Description | Website |
Adult Safeguarding and Mental Capacity |
‘Adult safeguarding' means protecting adults who are vulnerable from abuse or neglect. If you are worried about an adult who is in immediate danger or needs medical treatment contact the police and/or call an ambulance on 999. The CCC website has information about how to report the abuse of an adult at risk. There is an online form to report concerns about adults. You will also find information and adult safeguarding and mental capacity. |
https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/adults/keeping-safe/report-a-concern-about-an-adult |
HourGlass ( Action on Elder Abuse) | As the UK’s only charity focused on the abuse and neglect of older people, we staff a free-to-call helpline. | https://wearehourglass.org/ |
Street Link |
If you are concerned about someone over the age of 18 sleeping rough in England or Wales, you can send an alert to StreetLink via the website. StreetLink can connect people who are sleeping rough to local services and outreach teams. If you believe the person you are concerned about is under 18, please call 999. |
Change Grow Live Change Grow Live – Street Outreach Team - Cambridge |
Change Grow Live is a national charity helping people who are experiencing homelessness. Visit their website for information. People who require assistance in Cambridge can also get in touch with their street outreach team. |
https://www.changegrowlive.org/ https://www.changegrowlive.org/street-outreach-cambridge/info |
Staying Independent
Organisation | Description | Website |
CCC - Staying Independent |
There are lots of ways to help older people or people with disability to have the confidence living independently and safely at home. This might mean making you home easier to live in, having suitable equipment and technology to help keep you safe, or doing strength and balance exercises to help reduce the risk of falls. |
https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/adults/staying-independent |
Safe and Well |
Safe and Well is a service commissioned by the Cambridgeshire County Council to provide information and advice on a range of equipment and devices. There is an online questionnaire to identify things that might help you. You can also telephone 01480 415 719 to talk to an occupational therapist. |
CCC – Occupational therapy for adults and older people |
If you are struggling to carry out day to day tasks, please visit the Safe and Well website in the first instance. If Safe and Well is unable to meet your needs, you can contact CCC Adult Services to request an occupational therapy assessment. |
CCC - Technology Enabled Care Team |
There are technology and equipment, such as alarms or detectors, to help people to stay independently and safely in the community. The CCC Technology Enabled Care team provides guidance, training and advice to people who require assistance and their family members. |
Care Choices – A Guide to Independent Living in Cambridgeshire |
The Cambridgeshire Guide to Independent Living contains a host of useful information about staying independent, safe and well in Cambridgeshire as well as listings of all care homes, nursing homes and home care providers in the wider area. |
https://www.carechoices.co.uk/publication/cambridgeshire-guide-to-independent-living/ |
Care Network |
The Cambridgeshire-based Care Network help people with practical support in order to stay independent and connected with the community. Their Community Navigator services provide individuals with information and guidance, as well as signposting them to other organisations for support. |
Disability Support |
Activity Alliance works to make active lives possible by enabling organisations to support disabled individuals to be and stay active. |
CCC - Information about short term care |
You can find information about short-term care, including care after a hospital stay, in this webpage. There is also an online form for contacting the adult services. |
Caring Together |
Caring Together is a charity supporting carers of all ages across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Norfolk. This webpage provides information for carers to consider when someone they care for are coming out of hospital. |
British Red Cross |
You can get support and care from the British Red Cross to help you live independently at home or when you return after a stay in hospital |
Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough |
Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough provide information and offer practical support to help older people and their carers. |
Independent Age |
Independent Age runs a helpline and provides support and advice to older people. Their website has guides and factsheets full of information. |
https://www.independentage.org/get-support https://www.independentage.org/get-advice/advice-guides-factsheets-leaflets |
Please see Cambridgeshire County Council support for sight and hearing loss and disabilities and GOV.UK Disability rights.
Sight loss support
Organisation | Description | Website |
Royal National Institute of Blind People |
Royal National Institute of Blind People provides practical and emotional support for anyone affected by sight loss. Their website contains comprehensive information including resources for blind or partially sighted parents. |
Cam Sight | Cam Sight offers information, advice and practical and emotional support to people of all ages with a visual impairment. They have offices in Cambridge and Wisbech. | https://www.camsight.org.uk |
Huntingdonshire Society for the Blind | Huntingdonshire Society for the Blind is an independent, local charity dedicated to supporting people with sight impairment who live in Huntingdonshire. | https://www.huntsblind.co.uk |
Hearing loss support
Organisation | Description | Website/s |
British Deaf Association | British Deaf Association aims to achieve equality for deaf people. This is through community empowerment, membership and campaigning. | https://bda.org.uk |
Cambridgeshire Deaf Association | Cambridgeshire Deaf Association supports deaf people living in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. They arrange social events and groups for deaf people. They offer a befriending service and provide independent advocacy for deaf people. Their staff and advocates are fully qualified in British Sign Language. | https://cambsdeaf.org |
Cambridgeshire Hearing Help (Previously CAMTAD) | Cambridgeshire Hearing Help offers free advice about hearing loss. There are weekly drop-in sessions where NHS hearing aid users can get free batteries and hearing aid care. They also have equipment that can help you to hear the television or telephone. Has a useful Online Directory for a wide range of support available with Hearing loss. | www.cambridgeshirehearinghelp.org.uk |
RNID – Royal National Institute for Deaf People |
RNID is the national charity for deaf people and those with hearing loss or tinnitus | https://rnid.org.uk/ |
SignHealth |
SignHealth is a national charity supporting the health and wellbeing of deaf people. Their services include crisis textlines, domestic abuse support, therapy, advocacy and residential services. Their website contains a BSL health video library. |
Dual sensory loss support
Organisation | Description | Website |
Deafblind UK | Deafblind UK provides information, advice and support to deaf blind people, their family and carers. They have a free information helpline and provide peer support and befriending services. | https://deafblind.org.uk |
Please see Cambridgeshire County Council support for sight and hearing loss and disabilities and GOV.UK Disability rights.
Communication difficulties
People with many health conditions of any age may have difficulty speaking or understanding what is being said. This barrier can affect every aspect of daily life.
Organisation | Description | Website |
ACE Centre | ACE Centre provides support for people with complex communications difficulties. Offering assessment, training and information services across England, with a focus on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Assistive Technology (AT). There is a free advice line. | https://acecentre.org.uk |
Ability Net | AbilityNet supports anyone living with any disability or impairment to use technology to achieve their goals at home, at work and in education. They have a comprehensive factsheet covering all types of communication aids. There's a free helpline during office hours and a detailed section of Useful Links. | https://www.abilitynet.org.uk/factsheet/communication -aids -0 |
Communication Matters (ISAAC UK) | A UK-wide organisation supports people who find it hard to communicate because they have little or no speech. | www.communicationmatters.org.uk |
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust | Has a Speech and Language Department that is comprised of multiple teams who see adults and children with a range of communication and swallowing difficulties. | Speech and Language Teams | CUH |
Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust - Children's Speech and Language Therapy Service | Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust has a dedicated Children's Speech and Language Therapy Service to provide comprehensive packages of care for children and young people up to school leaving date who have difficulties with speech, language, communication, and/or swallowing. | About Us (cambscommunityservices.nhs.uk) |
Disability support
Support, advice and guidance relating to specific health conditions can be found in our General Health Conditions section.
Organisation | Description | Website |
Disability Living Foundation |
The Disability Living Foundation is now known as Living Made Easy and provides free impartial advice and information on solutions, gadgets, adaptations, and aids to make life easier. Just search the site by topic or you can use the AskSara guided advice tool. There is also a telephone Helpline available. |
Safe and Well | This is a Cambridgeshire based information and advice service on a range of equipment and devices to help people living independently. With access to one to one advice and guidance from an Occupational Therapist. | https://www.safeandwell.co.uk/cambridgeshire |
Disability Rights UK | Disability Rights UK is a user-led organisation that campaigns for the rights of all disabled people to be included in every aspect of life. It brings the lived experiences of disabled people to all it's work. It challenges policy makers, institutions and individuals to remove the barriers that exist for disabled people. There is a directory of disability helplines. |
https://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/ https://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/how-we-can-help/advice-and-information |
Scope | Scope is a Disability equality charity in England and Wales that provides practical information and emotional support to people living with disabilities and campaign to create a fairer society. There is a free disability helpline. | https://www.scope.org.uk/ |
DISH – Disability Huntingdonshire | Disability Huntingdonshire is a long-standing disability charity, providing benefits advice, guidance, and support for disabled people and their carers. | https://dish.org.uk/ |
Papworth Trust |
Papworth Trust is a disability charity in Cambridgeshire that support people with disability, their families and carers The Trust focuses on four key areas – housing, employment, care and day services. |
Dementia Compass | A Cambridgeshire-based organization supporting people living with cognitive impairment and their families. | https://www.dementiacompass.com/ |
Dementia Action Alliance | There's a local Dementia Action Alliance group based in Cambridge City, their aim is to connect, share best practice and take action on dementia. There's a membership area with lots of useful resources. | Dementia Action Alliance |
MENCAP | Mencap is national charity supporting people with a learning disability, and their families and carers. They provide support services and employment services, with aims of valuing people with a learning disability, reducing stigma and discrimination, and tackling inequalities in every area of life. | https://www.mencap.org.uk/advice-and-support/services-help-you |
Downs Syndrome Association |
Will help you find answers to questions that we are often asked about Down’s syndrome. There is also a helpline service available. |
https://www.downs-syndrome.org.uk/  |
Learning Disability England | Learning Disability England was founded in 2015. It is a registered charity for people with learning disability and their families. | www.learningdisabilityengland.org.uk/category/about-us/ |
Specific support for children and young people
Organisation | Description | Website |
Council for Disabled Children | The CDC are the umbrella body for the disabled children's sector bringing together professionals, practitioners and policy-makers. They have a detailed Help and Resources section where you can find specific information depending on your situation. | https://councilfordisabledchildren.org.uk/resources |
Disability Matters | Disability Matters is a free e-learning resource for the UK workforce. | https://www.disabilitymatters.org.uk/ |
Contact | Provides information, support and advice for families with disabled children. There is a free helpline for parents and carers with a disabled child aged from birth to 25, living in any part of the UK. | https://contact.org.uk/ |
Downs Syndrome Association | Will help you find answers to questions that we are often asked about Down’s syndrome. There is also a helpline service available. | https://www.downs-syndrome.org.uk/ |
National Autistic Society | NAS is a national charity for autistic people and their families. They provide support, guidance and advice, as well as campaigning for improved rights, services and opportunities to help create a society that works for autistic people. | https://www.autism.org.uk/ |
Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust - Children's Speech and Language Therapy Service | Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust has a dedicated Children's Speech and Language Therapy Service to provide comprehensive packages of care for children and young people up to school leaving date who have difficulties with speech, language, communication and/or swallowing. | About Us (cambscommunityservices.nhs.uk) |
Look | Supporting visually impaired young people to thrive | https://look-uk.org |
National Deaf Children's Society | National Deaf Children’s Society, is a charity for deaf children and young people. Provides support on childhood deafness, raise awareness and campaign for deaf children and young people’s rights, so they have the same opportunities as everyone else. | https://www.ndcs.org.uk/ |
The Buzz | The Buzz is a website for deaf children and young people in the UK provided by National Deaf Children's Society. It’s an opportunity for you to get the information and support that you need. | https://www.buzz.org.uk/ |
Children's Social Care
Organisation | Description | Website |
CCC Children's Social Care | This is the starting point to find information about Children's social care on the CCC website. Just click on the information you are looking for and it will open a new page with the information. | https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/children-and-families/children-s-social-care |
CCC Parenting and Family Support | This is the starting point to find information about Parenting and Family support on the CCC website. Just click on the information you are looking for and it will open a new page with the information. | https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/children-and-families/parenting-and-family-support |
CCC Children's Services - Early Help | Sometimes families need a bit of extra support. You might be worried about your child's behaviour or development. Or you and your family might experience some changes or difficulties that you can't manage by yourself. Whatever you are worried about, Early Help can support you and your family so that small problems do not become big problems. You can also contact the Early Help Hub: early.helphub@cambridgeshire.gov.uk or call: 01480 376 666 (office hours). If you don't know who to ask for help. |
https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/children-and-families/parenting-and-family-support/accessing-support-for-your-family |
CCC Supporting Young People in the Community | A range of services available on the CCC website providing support for young people in the community | https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/council/communities/communities-service |
CCC - Disability Social Care 0-25 | Children and young people with disabilities have the same rights as others. We want to make sure that they and their families have the social care information, guidance and support, where needed, to help them meet their potential. Every child, young person and family is different so we will always work with you to make sure what we do is right for you and your family. | https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/children-and-families/children-s-social-care/disability-social-care-0-25 |
Family Lives | Family Lives gives a guide to what to expect if social services becomes involved with your family | https://www.familylives.org.uk/advice/your-family/social-services-and-your-family/social-services-and-your-family/ |
Family Rights Group | Family Rights Group supports families who are involved with or need social care. | https://frg.org.uk/ |
Organisation | Description | Website |
CCC Safeguarding Children | If you are worried about a child the CCC website gives you all the information you need about safeguarding and child protection here. There is a an online form to report any concerns but f you are worried about a child or young person who is in immediate danger or needs medical treatment contact the police and/or call an ambulance on 999. If you are not a professional involved with the child or family, you do not have to give your name and your conversation will be treated confidentially. Telephone: 0345 045 5203 (9 to 5pm Monday to Friday) 01733 234 724 (out of hours) Email: referralcentre.children@cambridgeshire.gov.uk |
https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/children-and-families/parenting-and-family-support/safeguarding-children-and-child-protection |
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Partnership Board | The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Partnership Board are responsible for ensuring that children, young people and adults at risk of harm, neglect and exploitation across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough receive the help and protection that they need. | https://safeguardingcambspeterborough.org.uk/children-board/parents-carers/ |
Gov.UK | Government guidance on safeguarding disabled children published July 2009. The advice sets out how all agencies and professionals should work together to ensure that the needs of disabled children are fully understood and addressed. | https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/safeguarding-disabled-children-practice-guidance |
Gov.UK | Government guidance on safeguarding children is available here | https://www.gov.uk/topic/schools-colleges-childrens-services/safeguarding-children |
NSPCC | Have useful information to help adults respond to children who disclose abuse. | https://learning.nspcc.org.uk/research-resources/2019/let-children-know-you-re-listening |
Other information and support
Organisation | Description | Website |
Family Lives | Family Lives provides targeted early intervention and crisis support to families who are struggling. The issues families can be supported with include family breakdown, challenging relationships and behaviour, debt, and emotional and mental wellbeing. | https://www.familylives.org.uk/ |
Care for the Family | Care for the family is a national charity which aims to promote strong family life and to help those who face family difficulties | https://www.careforthefamily.org.uk/family-life/parent-support/parent-support-organisations |
Gingerbread | Gingerbread supports single parents with information, an advice helpline, an online forum and support groups. | https://www.gingerbread.org.uk/ |
NSPCC | NSPCC is a children’s charity in the UK, specialising in child protection and dedicated to protecting children today to prevent abuse tomorrow. There is a helpline for adults to report concern about a child and they run Childline a helpline for children and young people | https://www.nspcc.org.uk/ |
Child Line | Childline is here to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. You can talk about anything, whether it's big or small the trained counsellors are there to support you. | https://www.childline.org.uk/ |
Hopeline UK | If you are having thoughts of suicide or are concerned for a young person who might be you can contact Hopeline UK for confidential support and practical advice. | HOPELINK | Papyrus UK | Suicide Prevention Charity (papyrus-uk.org) |
Council for Disabled Children | The CDC are the umbrella body for the disabled children's sector bringing together professionals, practitioners and policy-makers. They have a detailed Help and Resources section where you can find specific information depending on your situation. | |
National Children's Bureau | The NCB brings people and organisations together to drive change in society and deliver a better childhood across the UK. There is a useful Resources section covering a range of subjects. | https://www.ncb.org.uk/resources/all-resources |
The Children's Society | If you're a young person, or a professional who works with young people, there's information and advice covering a broad range of topics; explaining mental health issues that are common in young people, including stress, anxiety and depression. There are toolkits to help professionals working with young carers. | https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/information |
National Deaf Children's Society | National Deaf Children’s Society is a charity for deaf children and young people. Provides support on childhood deafness, raise awareness and campaign for deaf children and young people’s rights, so they have the same opportunities as everyone else. | https://www.ndcs.org.uk/ |
The Buzz | The Buzz is a website for deaf children and young people in the UK provided by National Deaf Children's Society. It’s an opportunity for you to get the information and support that you need. | https://www.buzz.org.uk/ |
I Can | Children's communication charity, helping children's speech and language development and communication skills | https://www.icancharity.org.uk/ |
Look | Supporting visually impaired young people to thrive | https://look-uk.org |
Cambridgeshire Learn Together | Learn Together - for Guidance and Training for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Schools and settings. Includes useful information for Home Learning | https://www.cambslearntogether.co.uk/ |
Are you a Carer?
If you look after a partner, relative or friend who has a disability, mental or physical illness, or who needs extra help as they grow older, you are a carer. To find out the practical, financial and emotional support available to you, please click on the following links.
Supporting carers
Organisation | Description | Website |
CCC | Cambridgeshire County Council gives useful information for Carers | https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/adults/looking-after-someone |
Carer's Assessments | If you look after another person and need additional support to continue your caring role, beyond that offered by local organisations and voluntary groups, you may be eligible for support from the Council. | https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/adults/looking-after-someone/carers-assessments |
Technology Enabled Care Team | The Technology Enabled Care team provides guidance, training and advice to citizens and professionals. When appropriate, we can loan assistive technology to support the independence and safety of people living in Cambridgeshire. We can also provide reassurance and support for family members. People are happier and healthier when they can remain as independent as possible in their communities. | https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/adults/staying-independent/equipment-and-technology/technology-enabled-care |
Carer's UK | Carer's UK is a national membership charity for carers, which provides a supportive community and a movement for change. The site also contains comprehensive information including details about financial support. |
https://www.carersuk.org/help-and-advice |
Carer's UK - Self Advocacy | Carer's UK has a useful guide to self-advocacy - "Being Heard - a self advocacy guide for carers" which is free to download. | https://www.carersuk.org/help-and-advice/get-resources/being-heard-a-self-advocacy-toolkit-for-carers-uk |
Caring Together |
Caring Together is a charity, and a network partner of Carers Trust, supporting carers of all ages across Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and Norfolk. Some areas of support they provide are: • Carer Helpline and Information Service • Emergency Planning (What If) / Carers Card • Listening Ear • Counselling Service • Carers Hubs / Peer Support • Carers Assessments • Family Carers Prescription • Free magazine and monthly newsletter • Carer Voice & Involvement • Parent Carer Transition Plan • Homecare Carers looking after someone in the Peterborough and Cambridgeshire area can join their Family Carers Hubs for peer support. Or sign up to the free Carers Magazine and the monthly eNewsletter - Inside news for carers - for latest advice and service information. |
https://www.caringtogether.org https://www.caringtogether.org/support-for-carers/adult-carers/family-carers-hubs |
Caring Together - What if Plan | This is a free service funded by Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council to look after adults with care needs during an emergency involving their carer. | https://www.caringtogether.org/support-for-carers/adult-carers/whatifplan |
Caring Together - Family Carers Prescription | A Family Carers’ Prescription gives carers of any age, including young carers, access to a specialist worker at Caring Together who will help you make a plan to support your needs. | https://www.caringtogether.org/fcp |
Making Space |
Making Space offers support and advice to adult carers aged 18-65 who care for people with a long term health condition, mental health condition or disability. |
Care Network | The Cambridgeshire-based Care Network help people with practical support in order to stay independent and connected with the community. Their Community Navigator services provide individuals with information and guidance, as well as signposting them to other organisations for support. | https://care-network.org.uk |
Pinpoint Cambridgeshire | Pinpoint support Cambridgeshire parents who have children with additional needs and disabilities. The charity is run for parents by parents. | https://www.pinpoint-cambs.org.uk/ |
Carers Trust | Carers Trust is a charity for, with and about carers. They work to improve support, services and recognition for anyone living with the challenges of caring, unpaid, for a family member or friend who is ill, frail, disabled or has mental health or addiction problems. | https://carers.org/help-and-info/introduction |
Age UK | Provides a range of information for Carers with a free advice line open 365 days a year | https://www.ageuk.org.uk/information-advice/care/helping-a-loved-one/ |
Age UK, Carers Checklist | If you're not sure where to start Age UK has a checklist that gives helpful tips to make sure you get the support and information you need. | https://www.ageuk.org.uk/information-advice/care/helping-a-loved-one/carers-checklist/ |
Which? | Learn about the benefits, support and rights you have as a carer as well as guidance on other caring issues, such as the needs assessment and getting respite care, to help you through this difficult time. (free articles) | https://www.which.co.uk/later-life-care/carers-and-caring |
Rethink - Carers Hub | Rethink is a charity supporting people living with mental illness and their carers. | https://www.rethink.org/advice-and-information/carers-hub/ |
CPFT - carers | Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust(CPFT) is adopting a working model called the ‘Triangle of Care’. Triangle of Care refers to the therapeutic partnership between service users, health care staff and carers that promotes safety, supports recovery and sustains wellbeing. This initiative is to ensure that carers are active and equal partners within the care team. Check out CPFT's Carers page for more information, resources and support. | |
Dementia Carers Count | Dementia Carers Count is a charity supporting family carers and friends who look after someone with dementia. They offer free courses to help carers developing skills and building confidence. Their events provide an opportunity for carers to meet and connect with people in a similar situation. | https://dementiacarers.org.uk/ |
Mobilise | Mobilise is a free online support service for unpaid carers, with information on their website and a Facebook group. | https://www.mobiliseonline.co.uk/ |
Young carers
Organisation | Description | Website |
CCC - Young Carers services | Young carers are children and young people under 18 who often take on the practical and/or emotional caring responsibilities that would normally be expected of an adult. Young Carers may have to prepare meals, look after money matters, give medicine, translate, arrange appointments or take care of a relative's hygiene. Also caring for someone often means giving them emotional support. It can be a lot of work for anyone to handle, especially when you have school or work at the same time. | https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/children-and-families/parenting-and-family-support/supporting-young-carers |
The Children's Society - Young Carers | The Children's Society include service helps young carers, families and those who work with young carers, to be healthy, happy and focused on the future. We know caring for someone can be difficult but you need to make time for yourself as well. They can help you understand your rights as a young carer, introduce you to other young carers, advise you on different ways into education and employment. | https://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/information/young-people/young-carers |
Centre 33 | Centre 33 support young carers up to the age of 18 across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. You can visit the Centre 33 website to request a 'young carers needs assessment', or find out more about what they do. You can also find out is there is a group in your area or school. For some groups you may need a teacher, young carers or social worker to get in touch for you. |
https://centre33.org.uk/help/how-we-can-help/ |
Carers Trust | Carers Trust have a free downloadable guide "Know your rights - Support for young carers and young adult carers in England" | https://carers.org/legal-and-rights/know-your-rights-support-for-young-carers-and-young-adult-carers-in-england |
Caring Together | Caring Together provides expert support for young carers and young adult carers in Cambridgeshire. | https://www.caringtogether.org/support-for-carers/young-carers |
Resources supporting children and young people who have family members living with illness
Organisation | Description | Website |
Hope Support Service | Hope is a registered UK charity that since 2009 has been supporting young people aged 11 to 25 when a close family member is diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, such as cancer or other disease. | https://hopesupport.org.uk/ |
Alzheimers Research UK - kids | Alzheimers Research UK website has information to help children and teenagers understand dementia, how it affects someone and how this could impact their lives. | https://www.alzheimersresearchuk.org/kids/dementia-explained/ |
Sibs | Sibs is a charity supporting brothers and sisters of disabled children and adults. | https://www.sibs.org.uk/ |