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Cambridgeshire Libraries exhibitions, displays, posters, leaflets and petitions policy

1. Policy Framework

1.1. This policy acknowledges Cambridgeshire County Council’s Vision for Cambridgeshire to create communities where people want to live and work, now and in the future, and our Values of accountability, respect, integrity, value for money, excellence and equity.

1.2. The library service has adopted the Code of Advertising of the Committee of Advertising Practice  which is endorsed by the Advertising Standards Authority. Therefore, all material accepted for display must be “legal, decent, honest and truthful” and must be “prepared with a sense of responsibility to consumers and society.”

1.3. Due to the nature of its customer base, the library service must take particular care to avoid causing distress to children. Exhibitions must contain no material which is likely to result in physical, mental, or moral harm to children or to exploit their credulity or lack of experience.

2. The Exhibition and Display Facility

2.1. The library service will therefore designate space, where physically possible, to display exhibitions, posters and leaflets, and petitions. Material will be accepted for display on the basis of the criteria set out below and will be organised into appropriate categories for display in accordance with library service guidelines and local discretion.

2.2. Space may also be set aside for displays of artwork from playgroups, schools etc, and for local history groups.

2.3. In larger libraries, space in prime positions may be charged for.

3. Criteria

3.1. Display space is a limited resource in all libraries and has to be managed actively. Material will only be displayed when space is available in an appropriately designated area.

3.2. Posters larger than A4 or leaflets larger than A5 will not normally be accepted.

3.3. Priority will be given to:

3.3.1. Material that has been produced by the Library Service or Cambridgeshire County Council or any of its partners.

3.3.2. Material relating to the immediate local area

3.3.3. National information that requires public action

3.3.4. Material produced by charities and voluntary/community organisations

3.3.5. Material relating to the rest of Cambridgeshire or the towns on the borders of the county.

3.4. Material that is primarily commercial will not normally be displayed, unless it reflects the library’s policy framework as above.

3.5. Library customers must not be subjected to confrontational campaigning, or be approached to sign petitions, or make donations.

3.6. Library staff will not staff exhibitions or administer petitions.

3.7. If it is felt that the exhibition is offering a very one-sided view, the library may invite an alternative organisation, or mount its own exhibition, in order to maintain a balanced view.

3.8. With the exception of the British Legion Poppy Appeal, which is the county council’s designated charity, we will not accept collection boxes. Material that is actively recruiting membership of political or religious organisations will not be displayed.

3.9. These criteria may be altered or developed according to the needs of the Library and Information Service and are subject to the interpretation of library staff.

4. Advertising disclaimer

4.1. An advertising disclaimer will be displayed: "The Council does not necessarily recommend, warrant or accept responsibility for any of the goods or services advertised, or opinions expressed on this notice board”.

5. Health and Safety

5.1. The health and safety of staff and customers must be observed at all times.

5.2. Any library equipment will only be used with the agreement of, and according to, the instructions of staff.

6. Liability

6.1. Any costs incurred during the course of the exhibition or display, or damage to library property will be borne by the exhibitor.

6.2. Items are displayed at the exhibitor’s risk, and no redress will be available for loss or damage, however incurred.

7. Booking an exhibition or display

7.1. Pease contact a member of staff to book an exhibition or display.

7.2. The exhibition will be erected and dismantled on dates and at times agreed with library staff.

7.3. Any person arranging an exhibition or display will be deemed to have accepted this policy.

8. Leaflet numbers

8.1. Do not send more than 50 leaflets and 1 poster in hub libraries (Bar Hill, Cambourne, Cambridge Central Library, Ely, Huntingdon, March, St Ives, St Neots and Wisbech)

8.2 No more than 20 leaflets and 1 poster in all other libraries.

9. Distribution

9.1. Posters and leaflets for distribution can be taken to any Cambridgeshire Library. Please package and label them clearly for each library destination. A list of libraries can be found on our visit a library webpage. Please bear in mind that smaller libraries in village locations will have less space for display.