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Active Travel Hierarchy Map

About the consultation

Thank you for taking part in Cambridgeshire County Council's consultation on the draft Active Travel Hierarchy.

You can learn more about Active Travel and the consultation by visiting Consult Cambridgeshire.

We welcome your comments on how highways and public rights of way, within your area, should be prioritised in the Hierarchy. This will give us a valuable understanding of which routes are important to communities and stakeholders

Location specific feedback can be given using the hierarchy map below. The map shows the three different components that make up the Active Travel Hierarchy. Each has its own map layer.

  • The Cycling Hierarchy
  • The Walking and Wheeling Hierarchy
  • Public Rights of Way

Simply click on a street and select the 'comment' option to provide feedback.

Hierarchy map

Please read through how to use the map. We welcome your feedback. 

How to use the map

The map has a control panel shown as default on the right hand-side. The panel options allow you to change the data shown in the map window and provide a route colour key. To hide panel click right arrow on the panel top left corner. To show panel click the icon with zigzag and two straight lines.

There are three hierarchy map layers that can be applied; Cycling Hierarchy, Walking and Wheeling Hierarchy and Public Rights of Way. The layers contain route information that has been added to each draft hierarchy.

Show and hide layers

Layers are listed on the map control panel. Use the checkbox next to the layer name to show or hide. You can show more than one layer at a time, but this is not recommended.

Zoom in and out

You can zoom in and out of the map by clicking the plus and minus sign shown at the bottom of map window on the right hand-side. On a touch screen device you can pinch fingers in and out. If you are viewing map on a desktop you will see a toggle to full screen function under the plus minus signs.

Change map base format

The base view of map can be shown in three formats; colour, grayscale and aerial. The default is grayscale. Base formats are listed on the map control panel under the heading Base maps. Use radio buttons to change. 

Locate an area

The address search bar is located at the top of the map. Type in an address or part of it. The results will filter automatically. You can also click and drag directly inside the map window.

View classification and provide feedback

Click on part of the highway or public right of way. A pop up box will display. It will state the relevant hierarchy, and the name and location of the street. It also shows how each street has been prioritised within the hierarchy. 

On the pop up box, under each entry is a link to 'comment'. Following this link will take you to a form where you can provide feedback about the selected highway. 

Can't see the route you are looking for?

To view a full route, you may need to look at more than one hierarchy map layer.

A route can include sections from different hierarchy map layers. This is due to how highways are legally recorded.

For example, a popular walking route may include roadside footways and public footpaths. Roadside footpaths are in the Walking and Wheeling layer with public footpaths shown in Public Rights of Way.

To tell us about each section of a route like this, please try to use the relevant hierarchy map layer and form.

There are three hierarchy map layers; Cycling Hierarchy, Walking and Wheeling Hierarchy and Public Rights of Way. Layers are listed on the right hand-side of map. Use the checkbox next to the layer name to show or hide.

Additional Information

If you are interested to know more about the Active Travel Hierarchy please read our background document (opens

Our Frequently Asked Questions (opens provide help in using the hierarchy map and layers.

We also would like general feedback on the principles of maintenance hierarches for active travel and public rights of way. We are keen to understand your preferences on priority maintenance activities. Please complete the consultation survey available here: Active Travel Hierarchy: your feedback (opens Consult Cambridgeshire Website)

Do you want to report a highways fault?

This map is not for reporting highways faults. This is used to gather your feedback on which highways are important to you.

If you would like to report a fault, please visit Report a highways fault. The page has information on process, claims and a link to our online reporting tool.