Active Travel Centre of Excellence
A team of dedicated officers work as Cambridgeshire’s Active Travel Team. They strive to increase rates of active travel across the County. Working closely with other internal teams in addition to partner organisations. To read about completed work and future plans, visit our Projects and Plans page.
Report a problem
Visit our Report a highways fault page to report a problem on the highway.
How to suggest network improvements
Visit our Improving the local highway page to suggest improvements
Routes near me
Funding you can apply for
We operate a number of schemes where community groups can apply for improvements to the road network. For these schemes you will need community support as well as the agreement of your County councillor and parish/town council.
The Local Highways Improvement (LHI) programme is a scheme communities can apply to. It is an opportunity to put forward proposals for highway improvements in the area.
Every year a scheme is run to apply for a 20mph zone in your community. Applications are considered to make streets safer and create more space for active travel.
Cambridge city council provides grants of up to £5,000 for projects that promote active travel.
Our Path to net Zero
Cambridgeshire County Council declared a Climate and Environment Emergency in May 2019. The Council has pledged to achieve Net Zero Cambridgeshire by 2045. Embracing Active Travel is part of the route to decarbonise transport across the region.

Facts and figures
- Walking for 30 minutes or cycling for 20 minutes on most days reduces mortality risk by at least 10% (WHO, 2022).
- 81% of Cambridgeshire residents walk or cycle each month.
- 20% of Cambridgeshire residents cycle every week.
- 70% of Cambridgeshire residents walk at least once a month for leisure.
Data from 2022 National Travel Survey
Cycle commuting improves mental and physical health, reduces stress, and increases happiness levels. (British Medical Journal)
Looking at Cambridgeshire County Council summary of the census travel to work data. This shows that 49% of Cambridge commuters use active travel. Other parts of the County are more comparable to the national figure of 14%

73% of employees who cycle feel it makes them more productive at work (The Prince’s Responsible Business Network, 2011). Employees who are also physically active take 27% fewer sick days than their colleagues (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2012), saving them, and their employer, time and money.
People who switch just one trip per day from car driving to cycling reduce their carbon footprint by about 0.5 tonnes over a year, representing a substantial share of average per capita CO2 emissions (Brand et al., 2021)