Support or run a library
Libraries are wonderful social spaces at the heart of our communities that bring people together, and not just to borrow books. Local Councils already support 12 volunteer-run libraries across the County. Local Councils could also:
- Extend or maintain library opening hours through funding or volunteers
- Set up a micro-library, a collection of books for loan in a community facility
- Support your mobile library, events in the library or provision to care homes and sheltered housing
If you and your Parish or Town Council can support any of these activities, please get in touch to register your interest.
Case study: Haddenham Library
Haddenham Library shows how a Parish Council and the community can work together to run a volunteer led library.
It provides important services including access to the county's public library service meaning that people can access book stock, the Internet, local information, book groups and a village archive. Cambridgeshire County Council trains the volunteers running the library.
Haddenham Parish Council supports the Friends of Haddenham Library by helping them access funding for rent and running costs.