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Business plan 2021 to 2022

Our Business Plan is refreshed every year and formally approved by Full Council each February.

The 2021/2022 Business Plan provides a summary of our

  • long term vision
  • priorities for 2021/22
  • planned activities across the organisation for the next five years

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Our vision for Cambridgeshire

We want to make Cambridgeshire a great place to call home.

In Cambridgeshire, we want everyone to have the opportunity to thrive – in education, in employment, and in their community.

Over recent years, we have tried to protect frontline services, but inevitably we have had to change the way we do things and reduce some of what we do.

This Business Plan sets out how we intend to do the best for the people of Cambridgeshire in the face of these increasingly challenging conditions. People are what matter to us – residents, visitors, employers and employees – and we will work hard to make sure people are at the very heart of what we do as a council.

To achieve our vision, we are focusing on the following priority outcomes for the people of Cambridgeshire:

  • Communities at the heart of everything we do
  • A good quality of life for everyone
  • Helping our children learn, develop and live life to the full
  • Cambridgeshire: A well-connected, safe, clean, green environment
  • Protecting and caring for those who need us

We are ambitious about the way in which we can support and shape the future success of our communities. We want to work with you to achieve our aspirations for our county.

You can view the approved documents below: