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Business Plan 2023 to 2024

Our Business Plan is refreshed every year and formally approved by Full Council each February.

The 2023/2024 Business Plan provides a summary of our:

  • Long term vision for Cambridgeshire
  • Ambitions for 2023/24
  • Planned activities across the organisation for the next five years

Our vision for Cambridgeshire

Our councillors and staff across Cambridgeshire are committed to

"Creating a greener, fairer and more caring Cambridgeshire"

Our ambitions for Cambridgeshire

To achieve our vision, we have seven ambitions:

  1. Net zero carbon emissions for Cambridgeshire by 2045, and our communities and natural environment are supported to adapt and thrive as the climate changes
  2. Travel across the county is safer and more environmentally sustainable
  3. Health inequalities are reduced
  4. People enjoy healthy, safe and independent lives through timely support that is most suited to their needs
  5. People are helped out of poverty and income inequality
  6. Places and communities prosper because they have a resilient and inclusive economy, access to good quality public services and social justice is prioritised.
  7. Children and young people have opportunities to thrive

Delivering these ambitions often involves us working with all our partners including the voluntary sector, businesses, and communities to tailor services around people, families, and the communities they live in.

Further information about each of these ambitions and how we will track progress can be found in our Strategic Framework (Section 1 of the Business Plan).

You can view this, along with all the approved documents which form the Business Plan, below.

Strategic Framework

This document describes the Council’s vision and its ambitions for working towards that vision. It also gives some context about the county and background about the services we provide. All other parts of the business plan go towards delivering on this vision and the ambitions.

Read the Strategic Framework 2023 to 2028 document (opens as a .pdf)

Medium-Term Financial Strategy

This document sets out in some detail the national and local context in which the business plan is produced. It provides estimates of our funding over the medium-term, and shows how the budget requirement is built up. It sets out our reserves strategy, fees & charges policy and provides some overview of key risks.

Read the Medium-Term Financial Strategy 2023-2024 to 2027 to 2028 document (opens as a .pdf)

Finance Tables

This is the detailed service-by-service budget for the medium-term. It shows how budgets are built up, including investments and savings, and also shows planned capital expenditure.

Read the Finance Tables 2023 to 2024 document (opens as a .pdf)

Business Cases

For savings, pressures and investments, underpinning business cases are provided to show that they are evidenced and fully planned. These include an assessment of their impact on Cambridgeshire in social and environmental terms as well as financial.

Read the Business Cases 2023 to 2024 document (opens as a .pdf)


The results of the consultations with residents that were undertaken along side the drafting of the business plan.

Read the Business Plan Consultation Report document (opens as a .pdf)

Read the Summary of Online Survey Findings document (opens as a .pdf)

Capital Strategy

This document is a formal requirement for councils to produce. It sets out in detail the Council’s capital expenditure plan for the medium-term and how it will be funded. In particular, it draws attention to the level of borrowing that will be required to fund capital schemes in a given year, and the impact of the cost of that borrowing on our revenue budgets. It also provides an analysis of performance of the Council’s capital investments.

Read the Capital Strategy 2023 to 2024 document (opens as a .pdf)

Treasury Management Strategy

This document is a formal requirement for councils to produce. It sets out how the Council will manage its cash and cashflows over the medium-term. It includes planning for cash needed day to day, and how that will be balanced with getting a return on money that we hold. It also complements the capital strategy in terms of looking at affordability of our capital plans and what the key indicators against which we will measure the prudence of our treasury management.

Please find the Treasury Management Strategy document below.

Sustainable Procurement Strategy

This document makes clear that our net zero and climate targets are at the heart of our procurement programme, and sets out how that will be delivered.

Read the Sustainable Procurement Strategy 2023 to 2024 document (opens as a .pdf)

The document is also published as a web page.